Managers are the ones ultimately responsible for the successful and efficient operation of organizations. However, in order to accomplish this, managers must have skills and knowledge that will help them succeed in such a role. They need to adequately manage human resources because, as the saying goes, every manager with subordinates is a human resource manager. They need to be adept at using leadership techniques and strategic thinking. A strong moral compass is a prerequisite for any modern manager, as is an ability to manage projects, read into accounting reports, and use statistics to reduce uncertainty in business decision making.
MBA programs in the world ranked by the QS Global MBA
partner universities
faculty with PhD
Financial Management (5 ECTS)
Value Maximization (5 ECTS)
Managerial Techniques (5 ECTS)
Quantitative Methods for Managers (5 ECTS)
Project Management (5 ECTS)
Management of Change and Human Resources (5 ECTS)
Business Ethics, CSR and Sustainability (6 ECTS)
Leading in Organizations (5 ECTS)
Strategy (5 ECTS)
Marketing Strategy / Simulation (5 ECTS)
Internship (3 ECTS)
Graduate Thesis (7 ECTS)
Applications until June 20th
Applications until January 20th
The MBA in Management at the Zagreb School of Economics and Management aims to help potential students strengthen their understanding of the philosophy of management, develop analytical capabilities, and to help them become the managers they can be.
If you’re currently pursuing or wish to embark on a career in human resource management, project management, e-business, or if you just want to develop your strategic and leadership skills, this program was designed for you. As part of this program, students will also take part in business simulations that aim to test their decision making abilities and to help them understand the consequences of their decisions.
ZSEM’s MBA in Management includes courses in Strategy, Management of Change, Business Ethics, Project Management, and more. In order to give our students a broader view of how managerial decisions affect organizations, students will also take a course consisting of a human resource management simulation, Strategies for Managing Human Resources. The Markstrat marketing simulation will also be administered in an obligatory course. As marketing and maximization of company value are inherently linked, this course provides students with an opportunity to fill the role of a marketing manager in a virtual firm.
This program consists of two semesters of compulsory coursework, followed by the creation of a Graduate Thesis, totaling 60 ECTS points. Lecturers in this program include Randy Richards and Dan Ebener (St. Ambrose University, United States), Zlatko Mateša (President, Croatian Olympic Committee), and many others.
The courses are in English and are held on weekdays from 5 to 9 p.m.
Weekdays or Weekends
Master of Business Administration, 60 ECTS