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Explore a prestigious global university this summer!

Summer School Abroad

As a ZSEM student, you can spend part of the summer at one of our partner universities!

Take advantage of the summer for an incredible learning experience at one of the 160 prestigious universities worldwide! Their two-week program offers exciting lectures, hands-on workshops, and unforgettable networking with like-minded peers. Apply now and enhance your knowledge while exploring the fascinating university environment!

for 2024.

Summer School Abroad

Slovenia, Ljubljana University of Ljubljana 8.7.-24.7.2024

Singapore, SMU 24.6.-19.7.2024.

Sinapore, NTU 26.6-27.7.2024

Netherlands, Hague 1.7.-26.7.2024.

Morroco, Rabat ESSEC 1.7.-19.7.2024

Mexico, Mexico, City Panamericana 1.7.-19.7.2024

Japan, Akita, Akita International University 16.6.-26.7.2024

Germany, Frankfurt, Frankfurt School Of Finance 15.7.-26.7. 2024.

France, Reims, Paris NEOMA 24.6-12.7.2024.

France, Nice, EDHEC 24.6-5.7.2024.

France, Nantes, Audiencia 21.5-12.7.2024.

Spain, Barcelona, UIC, 1.-19.7.2024

Spain, Barcelona, La Salle, 15.-19.7.2024

South Korea, Gwangju, CNU, 1.7-26.7.2024

Portugal, Lisbon, ISCTE, 2.6.-1.8.2024

Noway, Oslo, BI, 24.6.-12.7.2024

Germany, Cologne, CBS, 17.6.-12.7.2024

France, Strasbourg, EM Strasbourg, 14.6.-12.7.2024

France, Paris, PSB, 24.6.-5.7.2024

France, Marseille and Paris, KEDGE, 17.6.-12.7.2024

China, Hong Kong, HKBU, 2.7.-31.7.2024

Belgium, Antwerp, UA, 24.6.-30.8.2024

Turkey, Istanbul, Istanbul Aydin University, 20.7.-3.8.2024.

USA, Duluth, University of Minnesota, 8.7.-2.8.2024.

UMD Summer Institute Here & Now 2024

Sophia Summer Session2024_Flyer

Japan, Tokyo, Sophia University, 28.6.-19.7.2024.

Czech Republic, Brno, Masaryk University, 26.5-27.7.2024.

Austria,Innsrbuck, MCI University, 1.6.- 5.7. 2024

Czech Republic, Brno, Masaryk University, 26.5-27.7.2024.

Hong Kong, China, Polytechnic University Hong Kong, 16.7.-14…

Japan, Tokyo, Sophia University, 28.6.-19.7.2024.

Mexico, Tec De Monterrey, 24.6.- 26.7.2024.

Monaco, International University of Monaco, 1.- 12.7.2024.

Apply now!

The Alphabet of Success!

Be Alpha at ZSEM.