14 September 2021

First Secretary of Embassy of the Italian Republic at ZSEM

Today at ZSEM dean Mato Njavro, Ph.D. welcomed Mr. Ilario Schettino, the First Secretary of the Embassy of the Italian Republic.

Mr. Schettino is the Head of the Trade and Economics Department at the Embassy of the Italian Republic who talked with the Dean about numerous cooperations of ZSEM with educational institutions in Italy.

He especially welcomed the new cooperation between ZSEM and the leading European platform for innovation and digitalization – the Italian H-FARM. H-FARM, located near the city of Venice, is the most important innovation center in Europe, which has so far invested more than 28 million Euros in 120 startups. The technological, state-of-the-art international campus recognizes tech talents and encourages their development.

In addition to H-FARM, ZSEM partner universities in Italy are:

Mr. Schettino expressed his support and praised the proactivity of ZSEM and commented with great enthusiasm on the cooperation with H-FARM on the Global Executive MBA program.


Mr. Ilario Schettino and Dean Ph.D. Mato Njavro

First Secretary of Embassy of the Italian Republic at ZSEM


Signing of cooperation with H-FARM


Visit to H-FARM in March 2021.


Visit to H-FARM in March 2021.