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160 partner universities

Outgoing students

Let your education be global!


Application process

  • Important

    Coronavirus consequences for Erasmus +  and European Solidarity Corps Mobility Activities

    Preporuke studentima i visokim učilištima u kontekstu pandemije koronavirus

    • Application deadline for students interested in spending the fall semester or the entire academic year abroad must apply before January 31 for the first call, or February 28 for the second call, at the International Office of ZSEM.
    • Students interested in spending the spring semester abroad must apply before May 24 for the first call, or September 1 for the second call, at the International Office of ZSEM.

    If some of the universities have deadlines before February 28 or September 26, the International Office will nominate the students who have applied before the deadlines.

    International Office can receive applications after these deadlines, but students applying before the first call will have a better chance to enroll in the university of their preference.

  • Application steps
    • Search this website for opportunities to study abroad for an academic semester or a year. The list of the universities that you can select is in the section called “International Partners”. There you have the link of each one of them. You can navigate to get more information about each university.z
    • Fill out the following application form: Application form. Send it to the International Office together with a recent digital photograph, CV, transcript of records in English language (you can download your Transcript of records in Studomat), consent 1 and consent 2.
    • Students will be notified about the results of the contest and will know the name of the university where they can go for the exchange. The results are made public in February and in October each year.
    • The International Office can provide deeper orientation advice about the different opportunities, but it is important that before it students do their own research.
    • Students pay their regular tuition fee at Zagreb School of Economics and Management. They don´t pay the tuition fee at the host university abroad. Students are responsible for paying accommodation, transportation, meal expenses, books, health insurance, and any other personal expenses.
  • Students eligible for international student exchange
    1. Students enrolled at ZSEM. (Those who have graduated are not eligible).
    2. Students must have successfully obtained a minimum of 30 ECTS when applying. (Attention: Some of our partner universities ask for a minimum of 120 ECTS before the student departure, in those cases, we follow the same criteria).
    3. Students having a minimum grade point average of 3.5/5
    4. Candidates should have enough knowledge of the language of instruction at the chosen host university. English is usually the language of instruction but there are some exceptions.
    5. Partner universities have a limited number of places for international students. ZSEM gives preference to those students who have better grades.
    6. Only regular students are allowed to go for exchange. Those ones who have status “Parcijala” at the moment of departure can not go abroad.

After application

  • Course selection
    How to select the courses?

    Students search the web pages of the partner universities for the courses that they offer. If they are not available online, they ask the person in charge in the international office of the host university. It is important to ask about the language of instruction since not all courses are always offered in the English language.

    Note that some courses are offered only during the fall, others only during the fall and other ones in both semesters.

    All the courses with a passing grade, could be recognized at ZSEM after the student finishes the period of study abroad. Some of them are recognized as core courses and others as elective ones. Only those ones which are 70% similar to the ones which are compulsory at ZSEM, can be recognized as core courses. The rest are recognized as electives or if the number of electives has been covered, the name of the course will be stated in the diploma supplement.

    Students in the undergraduate program do the selection of courses together with the coordinator of the respective year and fill the so-called

    • Learning Agreement
    • which must be signed by the student, the coordinator of the year and the International Office.

    Instructions on how to fill the Learning Agreement: How to fill the Learning Agreement

    Coordinators are:

    Students in the first year who are thinking of going abroad in the second year should contact the coordinator of the second year.

    Students in the MBA program, complete the learning agreement in coordination with the secretary in charge of the specific MBA program. The learning agreement must be signed by the student, the MBA coordinator and then by the International Office.

    Click here to find out how the study abroad semester is managed in terms of credit transfers?

  • Nomination

    The International Office of ZSEM will contact the partner university and will nominate the registered candidates. After it, students will fill all application forms online and/or paper. These forms vary from university to university.

    It is the responsibility of the student to complete them on time. Universities don’t accept partial documentation, but only complete set.

  • Letter of acceptance

    When the host university has confirmed that the student fulfills all requirements, they will send a letter of acceptance and a welcome package with more information.

    This is the moment to go to the corresponding embassy to start the visa process (if visa is required). This can take from one day to three months, depending of the country.

  • Before going abroad

    Please be sure that you have submitted the following documents :

    • Transcript of records
    • Proof of health insurance valid throughout the period of exchange
    • Learning agreement
    • English language certificate, like TOEFL, IELTS, … (if required)
    • Agreement between ZSEM and the student
    • Application for the Erasmus+ financial support (if the exchange is in the Erasmus+ frame)
    • Erasmus+ agreement (if the exchange is in the Erasmus+ frame)
    • Copy of the letter of acceptance
    • Copy of the bank account card  (giro account – for those who apply for Erasmus+ support)
    • Confirmation that you have fulfilled your financial responsibilities at ZSEM.
      At least 15 days before leaving Croatia (to start their international exchange program), all students must make sure that they have paid their current semester and the semester that they will be abroad.
      The Student Service Office in coordination with the Department of Accounting will verify that the candidates have fulfilled their financial and academic responsibilities towards ZSEM. The Student Service will deliver the final certificate of approval for the exchange only after they have verified that everything was covered. Students who don’t fulfill some of these duties should solve the problem before going abroad.
    • Health insurance
      After receiving the letter of acceptance, students must arrange Health Insurance that should be valid in the country of exchange and for the length of their staying abroad. It is the responsibility of the student to give a copy of it to the ZSEM International Office. For insurance, you can contact:
      Ms. Marija Bilogrevic
      Slovenska 24, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
      Mobile: + 385 98 942 4521; +385 91 159 3868
      Tel/Fax. + 385 1 347 5846
      e-mail: mareb1234@gmail.com
    •  Students can choose the insurance we recommend or any other agent and company of their preference. Health insurance is the responsibility of the student. ZSEM and the host universities do not assume any responsibility in case of an accident, sickness or death. Students in the MBA program, complete the learning agreement in coordination with the secretary in charge of the specific MBA program. The learning agreement must be signed by the student, the MBA coordinator and then by the International Office.
    • Consent 1
    • Consent 2
    • After departure

    Students can make changes to their learning agreements according to the rules of the host university.

    If there are changes, they must be communicated to the ZSEM International office and the coordinator of the year (or the MBA coordinator).

  • Before returning to ZSEM
    • The student must ask for the Certificate of attendance (Erasmus+ students only). It should be signed and stamped by the International Office of the host university.
    • All students must fill in the survey and send it to the ZSEM International Office.
    • Students are also asked to fill in the Erasmus+ report (Erasmus+ students only).
    • The International Office will appreciate testimonials and photos to promote exchange programs.
  • After returning to ZSEM
    • Once the host university delivers the grade transcript, students can ask at ZSEM Student Service for the recognition of their grades. For this, students will need to send an email to referada@zsem.hr asking for the recognition of courses with a copy of the learning agreement and the grade transcript received from the host university.
    • Students who received Erasmus+ financial support will receive the second part of the financial support after the International Office has received grades and has verified that the students submitted all the required documents.
Winter and Summer School Abroad