ZSEM has been re-accredited for teaching and scientific research work
The Agency for Science and Higher Education has been conducting the second re-accreditation cycle of higher education institutions and universities since 2017. The Expert Panel visited ZSEM on the 26th and 27th of November 2019.
According to the reports of the Expert Panel, the Zagreb School of Economics and Management is the best-rated institution among private and public universities in the field of economics!
The professional committee of the faculty evaluated according to 5 quality standards:
Three out of five standards were assessed by the Expert Panel as a high level of quality, and two standards as a satisfactory level of quality, which makes ZSEM the best in Croatia according to the sum of assessments of quality standards.
The Zagreb School of Economics and Management has thus fulfilled all the conditions for performing the activities of higher education and scientific activities determined by the Law on Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education!
At the link you can see the reports of the Expert Panel for all institutions that participated in the second re-accreditation cycle.
Edda Apfenthaler, dipl.oec.