1 October 2021

The 2. International Conference on the relation between Artificial Intelligence, Social Sciences, and Humanities held at ZSEM

“Can we create moral agents for AI? What can AI’s works of art tell us about theology? Can AI disrupt economic laws?”

– All these are just some of the many interesting topics discussed today at The 2nd International Conference on the relation between Artificial Intelligence, Social Sciences, and Humanities, organized by ZSEM and the Luxembourg School of Business.

This year’s conference received numerous papers on many interesting and relevant topics. With the principle to inspire research, the organizing committee selected works from global topics, ie. Artificial intelligence and the global distribution of power, to artificial intelligence and international justice and poverty. The range of works and topics of artificial intelligence ranges from language to medicine, economics, politics, and ethics. Some of the questions were asked by the authors themselves; can we create moral agents AI? What can AI artwork tell us about theology? Can AI disrupt economic laws? Can artificial intelligence be objective or related to political interests? Do socio-economic challenges outweigh ethical or moral challenges in the application of artificial intelligence? Why do we need reliable AI systems?

We thank the organizing committee and participants for participating and we look forward to the next edition of the conference!

Conference Organizing Committee:

  • Kristijan Krkač, Ph.D. (Zagreb School of Economics and Management)
  • Borna Jalšenjak, Ph.D. (Luxembourg School of Business)
  • Boris Debić (Google CHO Emeritus, Zagreb School of Economics and Management)
  • Ivan David Dogan, BA (Faculty of Philosophy and Religious Sciences, University of Zagreb)

The 2nd International Conference on the relation between Artificial Intelligence, Social Sciences, and Humanities