Mirna Koričan Lajtman, PhD

Mirna Koričan Lajtman

After leading several market analysis projects, Professor koričan joined the Zagreb School of Economics and Management in 2003, first as an Assistant, and then in 2007 as a lecturer. she earned her Master’s degree in psychology in area of social psychology, and in 2009 she earned an MBA. She has spent extensive time on academic exchange at ZSEM’a partner universities, such as John Carroll University and St. Ambrose University, both in the United States, and at IESE in Spain, and has completed additional education in the areas of management, communication methods, corporate governance, and human resource management. She also completed a ten day General Management Program organized by Michigan University and the Zagreb School of Economics and Management.

From 2007, she has been the Coordinator for the Graduate MBA Program Management Specialization, and from 2009 she has served in the same capacity for the Human Resource Management MBA Specialization at ZSEM. Professor Koričan is a member of ZSEM’s Assesment of Learning Team as part of ZSEM’s AACSB accreditation drive. From October 2003 to 2007 she was the Head of ZSEM’s Student Satisfaction and Professor Assesment Survey Project, which is conducted twice annually. She also heads the Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility Project which ZSEM conducts in cooperation with the East-West Management Institute, Hungary. At ZSEM, she teaches the Principles of Management, and Human Resource Management courses at the undergraduate level, and Principles of Management, and Human Resource Management Strategy at the graduate level.

She is currently also an active consultant on a European Union project from the IPA IV component; the component of human resource development.

She has authored numerous research and scientific works (CSR, Women and SME’s, Decision Making Characteristics of Board Members in Croatian Banks, HRM Function and Strategy-The Croatian Perspective and others), and has been the editor od many books in the area of management (Modern Management, Negotiation, Becoming a Better Value Creator, Strategic Interviewing, Six Sigma, Strategic Management and others).

She has an active knowledge of the English language, and also can speak French and Spanish.


  1. Aleksić-Maslać, Karmela; Koričan, Mirna; Vasić, Dina: “Tumačenje veze između etike i interneta među studentima Zagrebačke škole ekonomije i managementa”, Obnovljeni život, Časopis za filozofiju i religijske znanosti, Vol. 64, br. 1, 1-144, Zagreb, 2009.
  2. Mušura, A, Koričan, M (2009) The difference between student groups and student teams, 28th International Conference on Organizational Science Development, Portorož, Slovenia, 25-27.03.
  3. Jelavić, I, Koričan, M, Ćorić, M (2009) Student’s perception of high quality teaching methods and attendance motivators, 28th International Conference on Organizational Science Development, Portorož, Slovenia, 25-27.03.
  4. Matthews-Šulenta, L., Koričan, M.Ćorić (2009) “Results on Research on Reporting on Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility in Leading Croatian Companies”, ZSEM, Zagreb (forthcoming)
  5. Koričan, M, Jelavić, I (2008) CSR, Women and SME’s – The Croatian Perspective in Social Responsibility Journal, in Special Issue – Ethics and Morality in Business Practice, Emerald, London
  6. Koričan, M, Jelavić, I, Mušura, A (2008) Decision Making in Small and Medium Enterprizes, 27th International Conference on Organizational Science Development, Portorož, Slovenia, 19-21.03.
  7. Koričan, M, Škreblin, I (2008) HRM Function and Strategy – The Croatian Perspective, 27th International Conference on Organizational Science Development, Portorož, Slovenia, 19-21.03.
  8. Mušura, A, Jelavić, I, Koričan, M (2008) Economic Decision Making, 27th International Conference on Organizational Science Development, Portorož, Slovenia, 19-21.03.
  9. Škreblin, I. & Koričan, M. (2007). Education and competitiveness: Human resources and company’s strategy. 6th Human Resource Management Arena, Zagreb, 9th and 10th October 2007.
  10. Debeljak, J, Koričan, M, Mušura A, Krkač, K (2007). “Caring principle & practices in CSR” in: A. M. D. Gomez, D. Crowther (eds.) «Ethics, Psyche and Social Responsibility», Ashgate, London, 2007:129-143
  11. Koričan, M (2007) Investor Relations – the Case of Croatia in Uvod u poslovnu etiku i CSR (Introduction to Business Ethics & CSR, in Croatian), ZŠEM MATE, 2007
  12. Koričan, M, (2006) Investor Relations in Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility, ZŠEM i MATE, Zagreb
  13. Koričan, M (2007) How to fight resistance to change, Komunikacije-Ericsson Nikola Tesla, 2007
  14. Matthews-Šulenta, L., Koričan, M, Mušura, A (2007) “Reporting on Corporate Social Responsibility by Leading Croatian Companies in 2006”, ZSEM, 2007
  15. Matthews-Šulenta, L., Koričan, M, Mušura, A (2007) “Investor Relations Online-Survey of Website Disclosures of Leading Croatian Companies in 2006 “, ZSEM, 2007
  16. Koričan, M (2007) Transparency and Disclosure-Regional Perspective, Corporate Governance in Macedonia, IFC and USAID, September 2007
  17. Koričan, M (2007) IR and CSR – Croatian Perspective, Publication of Inaugural Bulgarian Surveys, EPI and PFS Program, September 2007
  18. Tipurić, D., Carević, V., Koričan, M.,(2006) Decision Making Characteristics of Board Members – Empirical Study in Croatian Banks, Global Business and Economics Anthology, Volume II, December 2006
  19. Koričan, M (2006) «Investor Relations» in: Đ. Njavro, K. Krkač (eds.) «Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility», ZSEM International Conference Papers, MATE d.o.o., ZSEM 2006
  20. Škreblin, I., Koričan, M i Mušura, A. (2006). Job performance and job satisfaction in higher education. 14th yearly conference of Croatian psychologists: Human resources and life cycle. Jelčić, J., Lopižić, J., Lugović, G i Sušanj, Z. (eds.). Šibenik: Hrvatsko psihološko društvo i Društvo psihologa – Šibenik. 25th-28th October, pp. 71-72.