Founder and the President of the Board of Trustees of Zagreb School of Economics and Management. Received his master’s and doctoral degrees from the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Zagreb, where he also worked as a lecturer. At the same time, he performed social and political functions as the advisor the President of the Republic of Croatia for economic issues, and he also served as the head of the Institute of Economics in Zagreb. He served two terms as the chairman and deputy chairman of the Committee for Finance and State Budget of the Croatian Parliament, thus significantly contributing to solving important political, economic, legal and social problems in Croatia, especially by his activities in the area of setting up the system of the state finance and creating appropriate budgetary policy. He is the author of the Act on the Fund for the state-subsidized long-term financing of the housing construction and the Act on Housing Savings and State Incentive to Housing Savings.
He was the editor-in-chief and translator of many publications in the field of economics and entrepreneurship. He has a rich experience in teaching at colleges and universities in Croatia and abroad. He participated in numerous scientific and professional conferences and authored more than 40 scientific articles and books. A certain number of his papers focuses on development of best practices in teaching economics in periods of great changes caused by development of communication technologies, Internet and artificial intelligence. In his papers he studies economic aspects of contemporary development of information technologies and analyzes their influence on the factors of the economic development.
He is a member of several international associations in the area of economics and education such as AEA (American Economics Association) and the Academic Senate of Marketers Guild of the Russian Federation. He is a member of the European Advisory Council of AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business). He is a co-founder of Luxembourg School of Business in Luxembourg (LSB) and member of the LSB Advisory Council.
Scientific Paper / Publication in domestic journals and books
- Karmela Aleksić-Maslać, Djuro Njavro, Dina Vasić , “Quality management of e-learning system in Zagreb School of Economics and Management”, ZSEM Revija , Zagreb 2009, page 179-185
- “Economic aspects of the process of globalization”, Round table, proceedings, “Globalization and National State”, Institute of Social Sciences, “dr. Ivo Pilar”, Zagreb, 8th of March 2000, page 15.
- “Institutional investors”; “Procedures in Selection of Optimal Investment Combination”, Management, Split 1999. , page 49-80
- Djuro Njavro, Davor Mikulić, Valerija Botrić:”Analysis of major economic issues in the Republic of Croatia and the need to formulate a new economic policy”, Economic review, num. 12, Zagreb 1999, page 1767 – 1787
- Djuro Njavro, Valerija Botrić,”Economy and politics in Croatia” Symposium on social ethics, Zagreb 21th of February, page 20
- Djuro Njavro, Jasminka Vlašić, Analysis of financial crises in developing markets, Economic review, 3-4/99, Zagreb 1999, page 246-268
- Proceedings, International scientific conferences: “Financing the protection of the environment and instruments of economic policies”. Mljet, june 1998.
- Djuro Njavro, Natasa Renko, ” The position of retired persons in Croatia”, Economic review 48 (12), Zagreb, 1997., page 898-915
- V.Srica, Dj.Njavro (queue), “Evaluation of technologies and development”, Privredni vijesnik, Zagreb 1990
- V. Srica, Dj. Njavro (queue), “Information technologies and development”, Privredni vijesnik, Zagreb 1988
- Dj. Njavro, V. Frančević (queue), “Entrepreneurship – theory, politics, practice”, Privredni vijesnik, Zagreb 1988
- H. Pavic, D. Šovagović, Dj. Njavro (queue) , “Patents” , Privredni vijesnik, Zagreb, 1988
Scientific Paper / Publication in foreign journals and books
- Karmela Aleksic-Maslac, Djuro Njavro and Emilija Budimir: “Standards to measure quality of e-learning system – best practice at Zagreb School of Economics and Management, ICEE/ICIT (International Conference on Enginnering Education/International Conference on Information Technologies”, 2-6 June 2014, Riga (Latvia).
- Budimir, Emilija; Aleksić-Maslać, Karmela; Njavro, Đuro: “Analysis of the use of Web 2.0 tools”, International Conference on Engineering Education and International Conference on Information Technology (ICEE/ICIT-2013), Cape Town, December 8-12, 2013.
- Aleksić-Maslać, Karmela; Poropat Darrer, Jagoda; Njavro, Djuro: “Correlation between using Netspeak standards inside closed online discussions within the same generation of students in the first then in the seventh semester”, International Conference on Engineering Education and International Conference on Information Technology (ICEE/ICIT-2013), Cape Town, December 8-12, 2013.
- Aleksić-Maslać, Karmela; Đuras, Tihana; Njavro, Djuro: “Correlation between online course quality and student activity on the courses”, International Conference on Engineering and Research (ICEER 2013), Marakesh, July 1-5, 2013.
- Njavro, Djuro; Aleksić-Maslać, Karmela; Đuras, Tihana: “Comparison of the student activity inside online course content within the same-generation of students in the 1st then in the 7th semester”, International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT-2012), Saratov (Russia), July 6-9, 2012.
- Karmela Aleksic-Maslac, Mirna Korican, Djuro Njavro: “E-Learning Course Development – Quality Standards”, International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications (EISTA 2008), Orlando, USA, June 29th to July 2nd, 2008.
- Karmela Aleksic-Maslac, Franjo Borovic, Djuro Njavro: “Curriculum Development of the Course Information and Communication Technologies”, International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEE 2008), Pecs, Budapest, July 27th to July 29, 2008.
- Karmela Aleksic-Maslac, Mirna Korican, Djuro Njavro: “Important Role of Asynchronous Discussion in E-Learning System”, International Conference on Engineering Education and Research 2007 (ICEER 2007), Melbourne (Australia), Dec. 02-07, 2007
- Karmela Aleksic-Maslac, Djuro Njavro, Pasko Anic-Antic: “Advanced Testing Using Online Quizzes in WebCT”, Online Educa Berlin 2007, Nov. 28 – 30, 2007, Berlin (Germany).
- Djuro Njavro, Katarina Karalic, Karmela Aleksic-Maslac: “Motivational Characteristics of E-students”, EDEN 2006 Annual Conference – E-Competences for life, employment and innovation, 14-14 june 2006, Vienna University of Technology (Austria).
- Djuro Njavro, Karmela Aleksic-Maslac: “The Role of Management in the Development of the E-Learning System”, Case study, GUIDE 2006 – Global Universities in Distance Education, Rome (ITA), Feb 13-14 2006
- Karmela Aleksic-Maslac, Djuro Njavro: “Systematically Using WebCT at Zagreb School of Economics and Management”, Showcase, 5th Annual WebCT European User Conference, Edinburgh (Scotland), Feb 27 – Mar 01, 2006.
- Karmela Aleksic-Maslac, Duro Njavro, Hrvoje Jerkovic: “E-Learning at Zagreb School of Economics and Management”, Best Practice Showcase, Online Educa Berlin 2004, Dec. 1 – 3, 2004, Berlin (Germany)..
- Djuro Njavro, Natasa Renko, Jurica Pavicic, South East European Monitor, Bundesministerium fur Wissenschaft, Vorschung und Kunst, Wien, September 1998
- Natasa Renko, Clifford J. Shutz II, Djuro Njavro, Anthony Pecotich, The 23rd Annual Macro marketing Conference, University of Rhode Island, June 1998
- Outcomes and perspectives – aspects of privatisation process, direct foreign investments and pension reform in Republic of Croatia, ECONOMIC TRANSITION – Outcomes and perspectives, The C.E.P.P.N. Conference on Transition Economies, Strasbourg, 1996. , str. 56-67
- Pension reform, ECONOMIC TRANSITION – Outcomes and Perspectives- aspects of privatization process, direct foreign investments and pension reform in Republic of Croatia. The C.E.P.P.N Conference Transition Economies, Strasbourg, 1996, page 68-70
- Djuro Njavro, “Reforms” With excellence to welfare, Mate, Zagreb, 2016.
- Amina Ahec Šonje, Nikola Bokan, Marina Botica, Zrinka Mustapić, Đuro Njavro, Principles of Economics 1, Mate, Zagreb, 2011.
- Amina Ahec Šonje, Nikola Bokan, Marina Botica, Zrinka Mustapić, Đuro Njavro, Principles of Economics 2, Mate, Zagreb, 2013.
- Amina Ahec Šonje, Marina Botica, Zrinka Mustapić, Đuro Njavro, Miljana Valdec, Ante Žigman, Principles of Economics 3, Mate, Zagreb, 2013.
- Amina Ahec Šonje, Marina Botica, Zrinka Mustapić, Đuro Njavro, Miljana Valdec, Ante Žigman, Principles of Economics 4, Mate, Zagreb, 2013.
- Karmela Aleksic-Maslac, Djuro Njavro and Katarina Karalic (Chapter) Motivational Characteristics of E-Students, “Distance and E-Learning in Transition“. ISTE Ltd, 2009.
- Ljerka Mintas Hodak, Djuro Njavro, Emil Heršal, Branko Skerlev, Jasenka Zaninović, Luka Tadić Čolić, Ivana Hodak, “Basics of the Law” , Zagreb 2008
- Zoran Stiperski, Yasuo Yamamoto, Djuro Njavro “Samurai and knight”, How Japan succeeded in its Economic Development”, Samobor,2005
- Djuro Njavro, “Program of teaching and scientific research activities of Zagreb School of Economics and Management”, Zagreb
- Dj. Njavro, “In the opposition”, Mate, Zagreb, 2003.
- Njavro, “The new economic policy”, Mate, Tagreb, 2000.