Carlos M.Rodriguez, PhD

Holds a Master’s and a doctoral degree in marketing and quantitative analysis from Pennsylvania State University, USA. He completed the MBA program at the School of Business Administration, ESAN, Lima, Peru. He teaches Marketing at the School of Management of the Delaware State University, USA. In his scientific research and work, he specializes in relations marketing, innovations in development of new product lines, international marketing, and market research.


  1. Self-efficacy Beliefs, Institutional Climate, and Faculty Expectations as Determinants of Academic Achievement in Business Students, Journal of Business and Leadership, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2007.
  2. Undergraduate Business Marketing Education: Exploring the Collaborative Skills of High-Performing Marketing Managers: A Commentary, Journal of Business to Business Marketing, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2007.
  3. Emergence of a Third Culture: Shared Leadership in International Strategic Alliances, International Marketing Review, Vol. 22, No. 1, 2005 ( Highly Commended Paper, International Marketing Review, Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2006).
  4. Impact of Design: Number of Hyperlinks and Node Size on Web Usefulness and Ease of Use. Co-authored with Dae R. Kim and Brian J. Reithel, published in the special Issue on Web-Based Information Quality, International Journal of Electronic Business Management (IJEBM), 2005.
  5. Relationship Bonding and Trust as Foundation for Commitment in International Strategic Alliances, USA-Mexico: A Latent Variable Structural Modeling Approach co-authored with David T. Wilson, Journal of International Marketing, Vol. 10, No. 4., 2002, pp: 53-76.
  6. Commentary on: “Technology in the Classroom: Teaching Business Marketing in the 21st. Century” by Richard P. Vlosky and David T. Wilson, Journal of Business to Business Marketing, Vol. 5, Number 1/2,1998.
  7. Convergent Management Styles and Intercultural Fit: The Role of Culture in International Strategic Alliances USA-Mexico, Paper accepted for publication and presentation at the 1997 Business Association for Latin American Studies Conference, BALAS, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.