dr. sc. Carlos M.Rodriguez

Doktorirao je i magistrirao na Pennsylvania State University, SAD, na području marketinga i kvantitativne analize. MBA program je završio na School of Business Administration, ESAN, Lima, Peru. Predaje kolegij Marketing na School of Management na Delaware State University, SAD. Područja interesa njegovoga znanstveno-istraživačkog rada su marketing odnosa, inovacije u razvoju novih proizvoda, međunarodni marketing i istraživanje tržišta.


  1. Self-efficacy Beliefs, Institutional Climate, and Faculty Expectations as Determinants of Academic Achievement in Business Students, Journal of Business and Leadership, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2007.
  2. Undergraduate Business Marketing Education: Exploring the Collaborative Skills of High-Performing Marketing Managers: A Commentary, Journal of Business to Business Marketing, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2007.
  3. Emergence of a Third Culture: Shared Leadership in International Strategic Alliances, International Marketing Review, Vol. 22, No. 1, 2005 ( Highly Commended Paper, International Marketing Review, Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2006).
  4. Impact of Design: Number of Hyperlinks and Node Size on Web Usefulness and Ease of Use. Co-authored with Dae R. Kim and Brian J. Reithel, published in the special Issue on Web-Based Information Quality, International Journal of Electronic Business Management (IJEBM), 2005.
  5. Relationship Bonding and Trust as Foundation for Commitment in International Strategic Alliances, USA-Mexico: A Latent Variable Structural Modeling Approach co-authored with David T. Wilson, Journal of International Marketing, Vol. 10, No. 4., 2002, pp: 53-76.
  6. Commentary on: “Technology in the Classroom: Teaching Business Marketing in the 21st. Century” by Richard P. Vlosky and David T. Wilson, Journal of Business to Business Marketing, Vol. 5, Number 1/2,1998.
  7. Convergent Management Styles and Intercultural Fit: The Role of Culture in International Strategic Alliances USA-Mexico, Paper accepted for publication and presentation at the 1997 Business Association for Latin American Studies Conference, BALAS, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.