Ana-Marija Krakić, MA

Ana Marija Krakić

Ana-Marija Krakić graduated in English Language and Literature and Philosophy from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, where she also completed a master’s degree program in Translation Studies. As part of further professional development, she attended a methodology course for teachers of English in Devon (UK), earned an English UK/Trinity College Certificate in International Business English Training (Cert IBET) in Barcelona, and an Intercultural Trainer certificate from Jacobs University in Bremen.

She started working as an English teacher in 2004. Since 2008 she has taught business English courses at different higher education institutions, in university, vocational and specialist professional study programs such as Business Administration, Cultural Management, Public Sector Management, Communication Management, and IT. As part of the Erasmus + program, she gave lectures at WSB University in Wrocław, at the Faculty of Mass Media and Communication, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, the Faculty of Creative Industries at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, and the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Catholic University in Valencia, where she also spent a semester as a visiting lecturer.

Ana-Marija is a member of the Croatian Association of LSP Teachers at Higher Education Institutions. She was part of the Association’s LSP conference organizing committee and a member of the Conference Proceedings editorial board.


  1. Popek Biškupec P., Hercig F., Krakić A.-M. (2019): Managing challenges and long-term sustainability of start-up projects – case of Croatia U: Organizational-economic mechanism of management innovative development of economic entities: collective monograph / edited by M. Bezpartochnyi, in 3 Vol. / Higher School of Social and Economic. – Przeworsk: WSSG, 2019. – Vol. 1. – 412 p.; 293-300

ISBN 978-83-937354-6-4

  1. Popek Biškupec, P.; Krakić A. (2019): „Effects of securitisation on the banking system”, Journal of Management and Finance, Faculty of Management University of Gdańsk
  2. Krakić, A., Krčelić, P., Jurina Babović, N. (2018): „Razvijanje samoprezentacijskih vještina: motivacijsko pismo u nastavi stranog jezika“ u: Omrčen D, Krakić A. (ur.) Zbornik radova 3. međunarodne konferencije Od teorije do prakse u jeziku struke. Zagreb : Udruga nastavnika jezika struke na visokoškolskim ustanovama, str. 110-124.
    ISSN: 1849-9279
  3. Krakić, A; Krčelić, P. (2016) Crash Course in Presentations U: Gajšt, N.; Plos, A.;Vičič, P. (ur.). Proceedings of the 9th International Language Conference on the Importance of Learning Professional Foreign Languages for Communication. Maribor: Faculty of Economics and Business
  4. Jurina Babović, N.; Krakić, A. (2015)The use of translation techniques illustrated by two texts from the field of marketing” U: Informatologia (Zagreb). – ISSN 1330-0067. – 48 (2015), 3/4 ; str. 205-216
  5. Krakić, A.; Jurina Babović, N.; Marić, N. (2015): „Why teach summary writing?“ U: Kužić T., Pleše D., Plićanić Mesić, A. (ur.). Proceedings of the 8th International Language Conference on the Importance of Learning Professional Foreign Languages for Communication Between Cultures 2015, str. 97-109
    ISBN: 978-953-175-569-6
  6. Skledar Matijević, A.; Krakić, A.; Jurina Babović, N. (2014.): „Double Trouble: Integrated Teaching of Foreign Languages“ Proceedings of INTED2014 (8th International Technology, Education and Development Conference). El. zbornik. Valencia, Spain
    ISBN: 978-84-616-8412-0
  7. Krakić A.; Skledar Matijević, A.; Jurina Babović, N. (2014): „Seeing is not beliving – teaching media literacy thorugh ELT“ U: Gajšt, N.; Plos, A.; Vičič, P.(Ur.): Proceedings of the 7th International Language Conference on the Importance of Learning Professional Foreign Languages for Communication. El. zbornik.  Maribor: Faculty of Logistics, 2014, str.130-134
    ISBN 978-961-6802-32-1
  8. Jurina Babović, N.,  Krakić, A., (2013.) Gramatički priručnik s vježbenicom. Zaprešić: Visoka škola za poslovanje i upravljanje, s pravom javnosti Baltazar Adam Krčelić
  9. Skledar Matijević, A., Jurina Babović, N., Krakić, A. (2013): „Creative Management Tools in an ESP Class“. U: Vičić, P. (Ur.): Proceedings of the 6th International Language Conference on the Importance of Learning Professional Foreign Languages for Communication. El. zbornik. Celje: Faculty of Logistics, 2013
    ISBN 978-961-6562-84-3
  10. Skledar Matijević, A., Jurina Babović, N., Krakić, A. (2013): „Preparation of ELT Materials“. U: Vičić, P. (Ur.): Proceedings of the 6th International Language Conference on the Importance of Learning Professional Foreign Languages for Communication. El. zbornik. Celje: Faculty of Logistics, 2013
    ISBN 978-961-6562-84-3
  11. Skledar Matijević, A., Jurina Babović, N., Krakić, A. (2012): „Project English: Teaching ESP for Project Management“. Prezentirano na “The 5th International Language Conference on the Importance of Learning Professional Foreign Languages for Communication Between Cultures“, Fakulteta za logistiko Univerze v Mariboru, Celje, Slovenija.
  12. Skledar Matijević, A., Jurina Babović, N., Krakić, A.  (2011):“ ICT for Teaching (Corporate) Culture“ Prezentirano na “The 4th International Language Conference on the Importance of Learning Professional Foreign Languages for Communication Between Cultures“, Fakulteta za logistiko Univerze v Mariboru, Celje, Slovenija
  13. Jurina Babović, N., Krakić, A.,  Skledar Matijević, A. (2011): «Project-Based Learning in ELT. An Idea for a Project.» U: Projekti i projektni menadžment. Zbornik radova. Visoka škola za poslovanja i upravljanje «B. A. Krčelić», Zaprešić.
    ISBN: 978-953-7670-20-7
  14. Jurina Babović, N., Krakić, A.,  Skledar Matijević, A.  (2010): «Online Learning Platform as ELT Support». Prezentirano na “The 3rd International Language Conference on the Importance of Learning Professional Foreign Languages for Communication Between Cultures“, Fakulteta za logistiko Univerze v Mariboru, Celje, Slovenija
  15. Jurina Babović, N., Krakić, A. (2009.): «Prijedlog primjene izvornoga teksta u nastavi engleskog jezika s naglaskom na razvoj vještine pisanja sažetaka» u Skledar N. (ur.): Zbornik radova, Zaprešić: Visoka škola za poslovanje i upravljanje, s pravom javnosti Baltazar Adam Krčelić
    ISBN: 978-953-7670-03-0
  16. Krakić, A., Jurina Babović, N. (2007.): «Problemi pri prevođenju filozofskih tekstova» u Jurina, M., Morović, V., Skledar, N., Vojnović, S. (ur.): Zbornik radova, Zaprešić: Visoka škola za poslovanje i upravljanje, s pravom javnosti Baltazar Adam Krčelić.
    ISBN: 978-953-9653-95-6


  1. Temeljne individualne kompetencije za upravljanje projektima (Naslov izvornika: Individual Competence Baseline for Project, Programme and Portfolio Management) International Project Management Association (IPMA) 2018 (Stručni prijevod s engleskog na hrvatski jezik: dr. sc. Ana Skledar Matijević, Ana-Marija Krakić, Natalija Jurina Babović, Gabrijela Čepo, Petra Krčelić, Nediljka Marić)

ISBN: 978-953-98870-3-0

  1. Cova, Bernard, Ghauri, Pervez, Salle, Robert (2011): Projektni marketing: više od nadmetanja cijenama. Zagreb: Algoritam i Zaprešić: Visoka škola za poslovanja i upravljanje «B. A. Krčelić» (Prijevod s engleskog na hrvatski Prijevod prvog dijela: Ana-Marija Krakić).

ISBN: 978-953-316-274-4

  1. Goldstein, Beth (2009.): Najbolji marketinški alati za male poduzetnike. [Svi savjeti, strategije i obrasci koji bi vam ikada mogli zatrebati]. Zagreb: Algoritam

(Prijevod s engleskog na hrvatski  jezik, 324 stranice. Prijevod: N. Jurina Babović, A.Krakić, A. Skledar Matijević)

ISBN: 978-953-220-902-0

  1. Jeffers, Susan (2001.): Okončaj borbu i zapleši sa životom. Zagreb: VBZ

ISBN 953-201-079-3

  1. Jeffers, Susan (2000.): Osjeti strah, a ipak to učini. Zagreb: VBZ

ISBN: 9532010793