Alen Šimec, PhD

Alen Šimec

Alen Šimec was born on January 19, 1979. He finished high school in Zagreb, III. Gymnasium, undergraduate study at the Technical Polytechnic in Zagreb (2002), and acquires the professional title of a computer engineer. He graduated from the professional undergraduate study at the College of Security and obtained the title of graduate security engineer (2006). He graduated from the Specialist Graduate Professional Study of Polytechnics, Department of Informatics (2008). He received his PhD from the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb, Department of Information and Communication Sciences, and obtained the title of Doctor of Science, the field of information and communication sciences.

PhD Alen Šimec participated in lectures and talks on improving Microsoft’s cooperation with the academic community, attended and participated in professional and scientific conferences with papers published in print and digital editions. He has written four books published in the National University Library. He works at the Zagreb School of Economics and Management as a senior lecturer. He is a permanent employee at the Zagreb University of Applied Science is the owner of the IT company eBurza Grupa d.o.o., and is a member of the non-profit organization Rotary Club Zagreb.