21 February 2022

9. Science Festival

Zagreb School of Economics and Management cordially invites you to

9. Science festival

which will be held online on

Monday, February 21st, 2022 starting at 1 pm. 

Nine engaging research professors will present at the Festival, including four mini-projects, four award-winning works for publications in journals with IF, and others.

Participation is open to students and the public, and anyone interested can join via ZOOM.

We look forward to seeing you!



13:00 Pozdravni govor

13:05 Ivona Škreblin Kirbiš: Izbor zanimanja osnovnoškolaca Grada Zagreba

13:30 Nikol Šćrbec, Ivija Bernatović: Webinari – Obiteljske tvrtke

13:55 Ivija Bernatović: Mapping the knowledge-hiding field and its future prospects: a bibliometric co-citation, co-word, and coupling analysis

14:20 Ivanka Rajh, Zdravka Biočina: Rhetorical analysis in business communication classes: gender-based differences in students’ perception of the speaker

14:45 Kristijan Krkač: Čuda džungle – Uvod u filozofiju Ludwiga Wittgensteina

15:10 Pauza

15:30 Andrija Raguž: Koliko je matematika različita od ostalih znanosti?

15:55 Vedrana Pribičević: Causal motifs and existence of endogenous cascades in directed networks with application to company defaults

16:20 Igor Matutinović: Autocatalytic Growth and Development and the South-North Convergence

16:45 Boris Podobnik: The microdynamics shaping the relationship between democracy and corruption

17:10 Zatvaranje 9. Festivala znanosti

9. ZSEM FESTIVAL ZNANOSTI web landscape (2)