Vedrana Pribičević graduated from the Faculty of Economics at the University of Zagreb, where she majored in Macroeconomics. As a student, she was a research associate to Dr. Ivo Bićanić at the Department for Macroeconomics and Economic Development. She is currently a final stage Ph.D. student at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Her thesis mentors are Podobnik andša Valentinčič. Her research focuses on an interdisciplinary study of complex adaptive systems halfway between economics and physics, aiming aim to explore financial contagion and systemic risk in the context of multiplex networks.
Pribičević has taken part in several domestic scientific projects sponsored by Croatian Employer’s Association and Croatian Banking Association, but also international projects focusing on civic education such as Transition Dialogue which is financed by German Federal Agency for Civic Education. She has a proven track record as an economics educator, creating curricula for teaching transition in high schools but also teaching economics to a much wider audience by co-creating and writing also co-created the TV show “Ekonomski zabavnik” which aired daily on national television. Additionally, Pribičević has written opinion pieces for major domestic outlets such as Banka magazine, tportal, Jutarnji List, 24sata, and Express and is often invited as an economic commentator for TV and internet media.
She is fluent in English, German, and Modern Greek.
Pribičević has been a faculty member of Zagreb School of Economics and Management since 2007, first as an assistant and since 2010, as a lecturer. She usually teaches Principles of Economics and Microeconomics but has also taught Macroeconomics, International Economics, Statistics and interdisciplinary courses such as Economies, Institutions and Societies.