15 March 2018

Consumer Protection in Bank Contracts

On the occasion of World Consumer Protection Day, a roundtable is being organized to discuss the issue of consumer protection in bank contracts and point to issues that have already been addressed, in practice, within consumer protection, but also to address questions that require further elaboration and conclusions about how to improve consumer protection in the Republic of Croatia. The intent of the organizers is to gather at this round table individuals who are dealing with consumer protection issues in order to reach constructive conclusions through an open exchange of experiences, opinions and ideas.


mr.sc.Helena Majić – an introduction to consumer protection in the EU

Denis Smajo – Contracts on bank lending to consumers in the context of current practices in the Republic of Croatia

Marija Duljković – Current bank lending to consumers in the Republic of Croatia

Goran Vojković, PhD- Digital contract signing

Moderator: Ljerka Mintas Hodak, PhD, head of undergraduate study in Business Law and Economics

The Round Table will be held on March 15 starting at 1 pm at the Franck Superiore Espresso Hall at the Zagreb School of Economics and Management, Jordanovac 110, 10 000 Zagreb.