U sklopu od međunarodne ljetne škole od 24. lipnja do 4. srpnja od 9-12 sati, profesor Edward Sun s Kedge Business School iz Francuske predavati će zanimljiv kolegij u trajanju 2 tjedna.
FinTech and Digital Banking
“In this course, through a series of real case studies, students will explore the major areas of FinTechincluding, beginning with What is FinTech before turning to Money, Payment and Emerging Technologies, Digital Finance and Alternative Finance, FinTech Regulation and RegTech, Data and Security,and the Future of Data Driven Finance, as well as, the core technologies driving FinTech includingBlockchain, AI and Big Data. These will set the stage for understanding the FinTech landscape andecosystem and grappling with the potential direction of future change.”
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