Partner universities

Country Albania, Tirana
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Argentina, Buenos Aires
University name Universidad Austral
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Australia, Brisbane
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Australia, Perth
University name Curtin University
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Australia, Sydney
level Bachelor
Country Austria, Innsbruck
University name Management Center Innsbruck
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Austria, Innsbruck
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Austria, Steyr
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Azerbaijan, Baku
University name ADA University
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Belgium, Antwerp
University name University of Antwerp
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Belgium, Brussels
level Bachelor
Country Belgium, Leuven
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Belgium, Liège
University name Université de Liège
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Belgium, Liège
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mostar
University name University of Mostar
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
level MBA
Country Brazil, San Paulo
University name University of Sao Paulo
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Canada, Greater Sudbury
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Canada, Montreal
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Canada, Montreal
University name Concordia University
level Bachelor
Country Canada, Quebec
University name HEC Montréal
level Bachelor
Country Canada, Toronto
level Bachelor
Country Canada, Winnipeg
University name University of Manitoba
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Chile, Santiago
University name Universidad del Desarrollo
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Chile, Santiago
University name Universidad de los Andes
level Bachelor, MBA
Country China, Beijing
level Bachelor, MBA
Country China, Beijing
University name Beijing Normal University
level MBA
Country China, Changchun
University name Jilin University
level Bachelor, MBA
Country China, Chengdu
level Bachelor, MBA
Country China, Hong Kong
level Bachelor
Country China, Hong Kong
level Bachelor, MBA
Country China, Jinan
level Bachelor, MBA
Country China, Jinan
level Bachelor, MBA
Country China, Nanchang
level Bachelor, MBA
Country China, Shanghai
level MBA
Country China, Taiwan
level Bachelor, MBA
Country China, Taiwan
level Bachelor, MBA
Country China, Taiwan, Hsinchu
level Bachelor, MBA
Country China, Taiwan, New Taipei City
University name Fu Jen Catholic University
level MBA Program with additional degree
Country China, Taiwan, Tainan City
level Bachelor, MBA
Country China, Wuhan
level Bachelor, MBA
Country China, Zheijiang
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Colombia, Chia
University name Universidad de La Sabana
level Bachelor
Country Czech Republic, Brno
University name Masaryk University
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Finland, Jyväskylä
level Bachelor
Country France, Amiensis
level Bachelor
Country France, Dijon
level Bachelor, MBA
Country France, Évry (Paris)
level Bachelor, MBA
Country France, La Rochelle
University name Excelia Group
level Bachelor, MBA
Country France, Lille & Nice
University name EDHEC Business School
level Bachelor
Country France, Lyon
University name EMLYON Business School
level Bachelor, MBA
Country France, Marseille
University name KEDGE Business School
level Bachelor, MBA
Country France, Nancy
University name ICN Business School
level Bachelor, MBA
Country France, Nantes
level MBA
Country France, Paris
University name ESSEC Business School Paris
level Bachelor
Country France, Paris
University name Paris School of Business
level Bachelor, MBA
Country France, Paris
University name Sciences Po Paris
level Bachelor, MBA
Country France, Paris
University name Dauphine University Paris
level Bachelor
Country France, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Pau
level Bachelor, MBA
Country France, Rouen
University name Neoma Business School
level Bachelor, MBA
Country France, Strasbourg
University name EM Strasbourg
level Bachelor, MBA
Country France, Toulouse
University name Toulouse Business School
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Germany, Aachen
University name RWTH Aachen University
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Germany, Cologne
University name Cologne Business School
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Germany, Frankfurt
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Germany, Frankfurt
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Germany, Leipzig
level MBA
Country Germany, Lüneburg
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Germany, Mannheim
University name University of Mannheim
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Germany, Munich
University name Munich Business School
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Germany, Oestrich-Winkel
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Germany, Pforzheim
University name Pforzheim University
level Bachelor
Country Germany, Reutlingen
University name Reutlingen University
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Germany, Stuttgart
University name University of Hohenheim
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Germany, Vallendar
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Groningen, Netherlands
University name University of Groningen
level Bachelor
Country Hungary, Budapest
level Bachelor, MBA
Country India, Ghaziabad
University name IMT Ghaziabad
level Bachelor, MBA
Country India, Hyderabad & Mohali
level MBA
Country India, Samalkha
University name P.I.E.T. Business School
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Indonesia, Jakarta
University name BINUS University
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Ireland, Limerick
University name Limerick University
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Ireland, Limerick
level Bachelor
Country Israel, Herzliya
University name Reichman University
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Italy, Bologna
University name University of Bologna
level Bachelor
Country Italy, Modena
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Italy, Padova
University name University of Padova
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Italy, Padua
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Italy, Rome
University name LUISS Business School
level MBA
Country Italy, Rome
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Italy, Rome
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Italy, Turin
University name University of Torino
level Bachelor
Country Japan, Akita
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Japan, Beppu
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Japan, Nisshin
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Japan, Tokyo
University name Sophia University
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Japan, Tokyo
University name Meiji Gakuin University
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Kazakhstan, Almaty
University name KIMEP University
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Kyrgystan, Bishkek
level MBA
Country Latvia, Riga
University name RISEBA University
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Lebanon, Beirut
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Lebanon, Jounieh
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Lithuania, Vilnius
level Bachelor
Country Luxembourg
level MBA, MBA Program with additional degree
Country Mexico, Mexico City
University name IPADE Business School
level MBA
Country Mexico, Mexico City & Guadalajara
University name Universidad Panamericana
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Mexico, Monterrey
University name Universidad Tecmilenio
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Mexico, Monterrey
level Bachelor
Country Mexico, Naucalpan
University name Universidad Anahuac
level Bachelor
Country Mexico, Puebla
University name UPAEP
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Mexico, Santiago de Querétaro
level Bachelor
Country Monaco
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Morocco, Casablanca
University name Groupe ISCAE
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Morocco, Casablanca
University name ESCA Ecole de Management
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Netherlands, Emmen
University name Stenden University
level Bachelor
Country Netherlands, Hague
University name The Hague University
level Bachelor
Country Netherlands, Tilburg
level MBA
Country North Macedonia, Skopje
level Bachelor, MBA
Country North Macedonia, Skopje
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Norway, Oslo
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Pakistan, Lahore
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Peru, Lima
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Peru, Lima
University name Universidad del Pacifico
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Poland, Warsaw
University name Warsaw School of Economics
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Poland, Warsaw
University name Kozminski University
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Poland, Warsaw
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Portugal, Lisbon
University name ISCTE-IUL Business School
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Portugal, Porto
level Bachelor
Country Russia, Ekaterinburg
University name Ural Federal University
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Russia, Moscow
University name HSE University
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Russia, Moscow
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Russia, Moscow
University name MGIMO University
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Russia, Moscow
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Russia, Saint Petersburg
level MBA
Country Russia, Saratov
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Russia, St. Petersburg
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Serbia, Belgrade
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Singapore, Singapore
level Bachelor
Country Singapore, Singapore
level Bachelor
Country Singapore, Singapore
level Bachelor
Country Slovakia, Bratislava
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Slovenia, Ljubljana
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Slovenia, Ljubljana
level Bachelor, MBA
Country South Arabia, Riyadh
University name Prince Sultan University
level Bachelor, MBA
Country South Korea, Busan
University name Pusan National University
level Bachelor, MBA
Country South Korea, Daejeon
University name Solbridge University
level Bachelor, MBA
Country South Korea, Gwangju Metropolitan City
University name Chonnam University
level Bachelor, MBA
Country South Korea, Seoul
University name Sogang University
level Bachelor, MBA
Country South Korea, Seoul
University name Kyung Hee University
level Bachelor, MBA
Country South Korea, Seoul
University name Sungkyunkwan University
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Spain, Barcelona
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Spain, Barcelona
University name University of Barcelona
level Bachelor
Country Spain, Barcelona
level Bachelor
Country Spain, Barcelona
University name TBS Barcelona
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Spain, Bilbao
University name Deusto Business School
level Bachelor
Country Spain, Madrid
level Bachelor
Country Spain, Madrid
University name IE University
level Bachelor
Country Spain, Pamplona
University name Universidad de Navarra
level Bachelor
Country Spain, San Sebastián
level Bachelor
Country Spain, Sevilla
University name University of Sevilla
level Bachelor
Country Spain, Seville
University name University of Seville
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Spain, Valencia
University name EDEM- Business School
level Bachelor
Country Sweden, Eskilstuna
University name Mälardalen University
level MBA
Country Sweden, Umea
University name UMEA University
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Switzerland, St. Gallen
University name University of St. Gallen
level Bachelor
Country Switzerland, Winterthur
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Thailand, Bangkok
University name Bangkok University
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Turkey, Istanbul
University name Sabanci University
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Turkey, Istanbul
University name Istanbul Aydin University
level Bachelor
Country Turkey, Istanbul
University name Ozyegin University
level Bachelor, MBA
Country Ukraine, Odessa
level Bachelor, MBA
Country United Arab Emirates, Ajman
University name Ajman University
level Bachelor, MBA
Country United Arab Emirates, Dubai
level Bachelor
Country United Arab Emirates, Dubai
level Bachelor, MBA
Country United Kingdom, London
University name Kingston University
level Bachelor
Country United Kingdom, Newcastle upon Tyne
University name University of Northumbria
level Bachelor
Country United Kingdom, Sheffield
University name Sheffield Hallam University
level Bachelor, MBA, DBA
Country USA, Iowa, Davenport
University name St. Ambrose University
level Bachelor, MBA
Country USA, Kentucky, Louisville
University name University of Louisville
level Bachelor, MBA
Country USA, Michigan, Flint
level Bachelor, MBA
Country USA, Minnesota, Minneapolis & Saint Paul
level Bachelor, MBA
Country USA, Minnesota, St. Cloud
University name St. Cloud State University
level Bachelor, MBA
Country USA, Missouri, Warrensburg
level Bachelor, MBA
Country USA, New Orleans, Louisiana
University name Tulane University
level Bachelor, MBA
Country USA, North Florida, Jacksonville
University name University of North Florida
level Bachelor, MBA
Country USA, Ohio, University Heights
level Bachelor, MBA
Country USA, South Carolina, Anderson
University name Anderson University
level Bachelor