This year, the Zagreb School of Economics and Management organized the 10th STUDENT CONFERENCE IN MANAGEMENT OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS.
The 10th Management Information Systems conference is an event that brings together leading companies in Croatia and where the best student projects are presented that were created during the Management Information Systems course in the field of introducing ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems.
The main goal of the conference is to present the best student projects. In the past few decades, digitalization of business processes has occurred and there is a need for a systematic introduction of information systems in businesses. With the development of technology there is a need for education in information management systems. The basic principles, as well as advanced examples of information systems management, were presented at this conference through a series of guest lectures. To enable students – our young, future experts, to implement this in practice, through the course “Management of Information Systems” we allow students to publish their first scientific papers about projects they do on implementation of information systems in selected businesses. During the course, students develop an understanding of information systems from a business perspective. They learn about information systems in small, medium and large enterprises, how to develop and manage them.
The aim of this meeting of students of the Zagreb School of Economics and Management and various companies is to develop awareness about the importance of an early education on information management systems, the quality implementation of the systems themselves and to encourage the development of such systems.
The Zagreb School of Economics and Management conveys to its students the values, knowledge and skills needed for long-term success in a globalized business world. The rapid development of information and communication technologies provides great opportunities for improving the quality of education. Since ZSEM’s foundation in 2002, the best world practices has been implemented in the school – both in the introduction of new technologies and the introduction of certain world standards in education.