Tomislav Sokol, PhD

Tomislav Sokol

Tomislav Sokol graduated magna cum laude from the Faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb in 2006. He then earned his Master’s degree at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium’s largest university, and one of the world’s top 100 universities according to Times Higher Education. His principle subjects included European Economic Law, European Constitutional Law, European and International Social Law, and European Commercial Law. In 2010, he completed the Regional Summer School on Social Security Coordination (magna cum laude), held by the Council of Europe.

Tomislav Sokol has completed his Ph.D. at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in 2014. He has been an Assistant at the Law Department of the Zagreb School of Economics and Management since 2007, and Head of the Law Department since 2014. In 2017 he was appointed as Assistant Minister for Science and Technology at the Ministry of Science and Education.


  1. Greer, S., Sokol, T., Rules for Rights: European Law, Health Care and Social Citizenship, European Law Journal, 20(2014), pp. 66-87.
  2. Sokol, T., Mintas-Hodak, Lj.; Abramović, A.: Patient Mobility Directive: One Step Forward or Two Steps Back for Cross-border Healthcare?, Croatian Yearbook of European Law and Policy, 8(2012), pp. 143-173.
  3. Sokol, T.; Entitlement to Socially Covered Health Care vs. Priority Setting: ECJ’s Decomposition of the NHS?, European Journal of Social Security, 13(2011), pp. 317-350.
  4. Sokol, T.; Rindal and Elchinov: A(n) (Impending) Revolution in EU Law on Patient Mobility?, Croatian Yearbook of European Law and Policy, 6(2010), pp. 167-208.
  5. den Exter, A., Santuari, A., Sokol, T., One Year after the EU Patient Mobility Directive: A Three-Country Analysis, European Law Review, 40(2015), pp. 278-292.
  6. Sokol, T.; Doprinosi za obvezno zdravstveno osiguranje i pravno uređenje Europske unije, Hrvatska pravna revija, 6/2013, pp. 31-39. (pregledni znanstveni članak)
  7. Sokol, T.; Doprinosi za obvezno mirovinsko osiguranje i pravno uređenje Europske unije, Hrvatska pravna revija, 10/2014, pp. 1-9.

Conference Book of Proceedings

  1. Sokol, T.; Is ECJ’s Patient Mobility Jurisprudence Endangering Introduction of New Medical Procedures (Treatments) into National Social Security Health Packages?, Third European Conference on Health Law An Ageing Europe. Health Law Revisited, Leuven, 2011, ISBN 978-904-861-219-2


  1. Sokol, T., Nadležnosti Europske unije za reguliranje odnosa država članica prema vjerskim zajednicama, u Špehar, H. (ur.), Europski sekularni identiteti, Zagreb, 2015, Fakultet političkih znanosti, ISBN 978-953-6457-83-0

Other Papers

  1. Sokol, T.; Retributivizam, utilitarizam i prevencija u filozofiji kažnjavanja uz poseban osvrt na grčku filozofiju, njemački klasični idealizam i Benthamov relativizam, Pravnik, 38(2004), pp. 89-109.
  2. Sokol, T., Praksa Europskog suda pravde u području prekogranične zdravstvene zaštite i prava socijalne sigurnosti, Informator, 2013, pp. 15-16.

Conference Presentations

  1. Sokol, T., Patient Mobility Directive: One Step Forward or Two Steps Back for Cross-border Health Care?, Advanced Issues of EU Law, EU Enlargement: Identities Values and Market, Dubrovnik, 2012
  2. Sokol, T.; Social Security and Health Care Abroad, Annual Conference of the European Institute of Social Security: Changing Social Security, Ljubljana, 2011
  3. Sokol, T.; Patient Mobility in the EU: Planned Health Care, Regional Conference on Health Insurance, Sarajevo, 2011 Rindal and Elchinov: A(n) Impending Revolution in EU Lay on Patient Mobility?, Croatian Yearbook of European Lay and Policy – 2010