Milan Deskar-Škrbić, PhD

Milan Deskar

Milan Deskar-Škrbić started his career as a consultant in the company Arhivanalitika, where he worked on various projects for the Croatian Banking Association and the Croatian Employers’ Association. In 2014, he joined the analytical team of the Economic Research Department of Erste & Steiermarkische Bank, where he worked as a senior macroeconomic analyst, and within the Erste Group he was in charge of the markets of the SEE region. In December 2018, he moved to the position of senior economic researcher – advisor in the Modelling Department at the Croatian National Bank. Since September 2021, he has been employed as an economic analyst in DG ECFIN of the European Commission, where he is responsible for analysis related to the European Semester and monitoring the implementation of reforms from the Recovery and Resilience Plan in Croatia. He is the author of dozens of professional and scientific papers in the field of macroeconomics and economic policy, co-author of two books in the field of macroeconomics and public sector economics and researcher on various scientific and research projects. He gained teaching experience as an external associate at the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb at the Faculty of Economics in Rijeka, where he participated in teaching courses in Public Finance, Croatian Economy and Fiscal Policy, and gave a number of guest lectures at various public and private educational institutions. He participates in the popularization of economic sciences as a regular columnist on the economic portal Ekonomski lab. At the Zagreb School of Economics and Management, he teaches courses Public Finance (Croatian and English), International Economics and Principles of Economics (psMBA). Since September 2021, he has also been a lecturer at the Luxembourg School of Business, where he teaches the course Macroeconomics for Business.


  1. Bićanić, I., Deskar-Škrbić, M. (2018): Makroekonomika I za ekonomiste i neekonomiste: s hrvatskim primjerima, Ekonomski lab, Zagreb
  2. Šimović, H.; Deskar-Škrbić, M. (2020). Ekonomika javnog sektora. Ekonomski lab

Published papers

  1. Deskar-Škrbić, M., Kotarac, K.; Kunovac, D. (2020). The third round of euro area enlargement: Are the candidates ready?. Journal of International Money and Finance, 107, 102205.
  2. Deskar-Škrbić, M.; Kunovac, D. (2020). Twentieth Anniversary of the Euro: Why are Some Countries Still Not Willing to Join? Economists’ View. Comparative Economic Studies, 1-21.
  3. Deskar-Škrbić, M., Grdović Gnip, A.; Šimović, H. (2020). Macroeconomic effects of exogenous tax changes in a small open economy: narrative evidence from Croatia. Post-Communist Economies, 1-29.
  4. Deskar-Škrbić, M.; Milutinović, D. (2021). Design of fiscal consolidation packages and model-based fiscal multipliers in Croatia. Public Sector Economics, 45 (1), 1-61
  5. Buljan, A., Deskar-Škrbić, M., & Dumičić, M. (2020). What drives banks’ appetite for sovereign debt in CEE countries?. Public Sector Economics, 44(2), 179-201.
  6. Deskar-Škrbić,M. (2019) Makroekonomski efekti fiskalne politike u maloj i otvorenoj ekonomiji: Slučaj Hrvatske
  7. Deskar-Škrbić, M. (2018): DynamicEffectsofFiscalPolicyin Croatia: Confronting New-Keynesian SOE TheoryWithEmpitics; Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci : časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu; Vol. 36, No.1, 81-100
  8. Deskar-Škrbić, M.; Kotarski, K.; Brkić, L. (2018): Banking Regulation in Croatia: Qualitative and Quantitative Assessement, u Petak, Z.; Kotarski, K. (ur.) PolicyMaking at the European Periphery: The Case of Croatia, Springer International Publishing
  9. Šimović, H.; Deskar-Škrbić, M. (2018): Fiscal Policy and European Semester in Croatia: WhyShouldWeFocus on PublicDebt? u Petak, Z.; Kotarski, K. (ur.) PolicyMaking at the European Periphery: The Case of Croatia, Springer International Publishing
  10. Deskar-Škrbić, M.; Rasos, V. (2018): Karakter fiskalne politike i politička ekonomija fiskalne konsolidacije u Hrvatskoj u post-kriznom razdoblju; EFZG WorkingPaperSeries, No. 2/2018
  11. Deskar-Škrbić, M.; Drezgić, S.; Šimović, H. (2018): TaxPolicyandLabourMarketin Croatia: EffectsofTaxWedge on Employment; Ekonomska istraživanja-Economic Research
  12. Deskar-Škrbić, M.; Šimović, J.; Buljan, A. (2017): Fiscal multiplier determinants in the CESEE region; Journal of Management and Financial Sciences; Vol. 29; 11-26
  13. Ćorić, T.; Deskar-Škrbić, M. (2017): Croatian path to the monetary union: why, when and what can we learn from our peers? , Ekonomski pregled, Vol. 68, No.6, 611-637
  14. Deskar-Škrbić, M.; Šimović, H. (2017): Effectivenessoffiscalspendingin Croatia, SloveniaandSerbia: the role oftradeopennessandpublicdebtlevel; Post-CommunistEconomies, Vol. 29, No . 1
  15. Šimović, H. ; Deskar-Škrbić, M. (2016): Učinak promjena poreznih stopa na porezno opterećenje rada u Hrvatskoj. U: A. Stojanović i H. Šimović (ed.), Aktualni problemi i izazovi razvoja financijskog sustava. Zagreb: Ekonomski fakultet, 83-102.
  16. Kotarski, K.; Deskar-Škrbić, M. (2016): TranscendingthenewmacroeconomicorthodoxyintheEurozone: a Post-Keynesianview; Proceedingsof Rijeka FacultyofEconomics – Journal ofEconomicsand Business, Vol. 34, No. 2, 443-465.
  17. Šimović, H.; Deskar-Škrbić, M. (2016): Efikasnost poreza na dodanu vrijednost u Hrvatskoj; Ekonomija/Economicx, Vol. 22, No.2, 409-426.
  18. Bićanić, I.; Deskar-Škrbić, M.; Zrnc, J. (2016): A Narrative Explanation of Breakpoints and Convergence Patterns in Yugoslavia and its Successor States 1952-2015; WIIW Balkan ObservatoryWorkingPaper, No. 122, 1-55
  19. Šimović, H. & Deskar-Škrbić, M. (2015), Efficency of value added tax in Croatia, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference European Entrepreneurship Forum 2015: Efficiency in the Private and the Public Sector, Newton College, Prague, 144-151.
  20. Deskar-Škrbić, M-; Šimović, H. (2015): The Size and Determinants of Fiscal Multipliers in Western Balkans: Comparing Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference European FiscalDialog 2015: Current Issues of Fiscal Policy, Newton College, Prague, 7-27.
  21. Ćorić, T.; Šimović, H.; Deskar-Škrbić, M. (2015): MonetaryandFiscalPolicyMixin a Small Open Economy: thecaseof Croatia; Economic Research, Vol. 28, No 1., 407-421.
  22. Bogdan, Ž., Deskar-Škrbić, M., Šonje, V. (2014): International Capital Flows and Economic Growth in CESEE: Structural Break in the Great Recession; EFZG WorkingPaperSeries, No. 4/2014
  23. Deskar-Škrbić, M.; Šimović, H. (2014): Porezna politika u Hrvatskoj u razdoblju od 2012.-2014. godine; Političke analize, Vol. 20, No. 1, 22-32.
  24. Deskar-Škrbić, M.; Šimović, H.; Ćorić, T. (2014): EffectsofFiscalPolicyin a Small Open TransitionEconomy: Caseof Croatia; Acta Oeconomica, Vol. 64, 133-152.
  25. Šimović, H; Ćorić, T.; Deskar-Škrbić, M. (2014): Mogućnosti i ograničenja fiskalne politike u Hrvatskoj; Ekonomski pregled; Vol. 65, No. 6, 541-575.
  26. Bađun, M.; Pribičević, V.; Deskar-Škrbić, M. (2014): Government as a BindingConstraint to EconomicGrowthin Croatia: SizeVersusEfficiency; Post-CommunistEconomie, Vol. 26, No. 3; 297-323 .
  27. Vujčić, B.; Deskar-Škrbić, M.; Ratkovski, Z.; Zrnc, J. (2014): FunctionalDistributionofIncomeandEconomicActivityin Croatia: Post-KeynesianApproach, Proceedingsof Rijeka FacultyofEconomics – Journal ofEconomicsand Business, Vol 32(1), 53-73.
  28. Ćorić, T.; Šimović, H.; Deskar-Škrbić, M. (2013): Restoring International Competitiveness in Croatia: The Role of Fiscal and Monetary Policy; Economic Annals, 58(199), 1-17.
  29. Šimović, H.; Deskar-Škrbić, M. (2013): DynamicEffectsofFiscalPolicyandFiscalMultipliersin Croatia, TheProceedingsof Rijeka FacultyofEconomics – Journal ofEconomicsand Business, Vol. 31, No. 1, 55-78.

Projects Deskar Škrbić participated in

  1. 2016 –2019 – “Public finance sustainability on the road to monetary union”, CroatianScienceFoundation, IP-2016-06-4609, project leader: Hrvoje Šimović, Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb
  2. 2014 – 2018 – „Taxpolicy and fiscalconsoilidationin Croatia“, CroatianScienceFoundation, IP2013-11-8174,, projectleader: Helena Blažić, Faculty of Economics Rijeka
  3. 2016 – “Fiscalsustainability and debtdynamicsin Croatia”, University of Zagreb, DP- 079-2016, projectleader: Hrvoje Šimović, Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb
  4. 2015 – “Sustainability of public finance and effectiveness of fiscal policy in Croatia”, S University of Zagreb, DP- 079-2015, projectleader: Hrvoje Šimović, Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb
  5. 2014-2016 – “FallingBehind and Catching Up in Southeast Europe”, WIIWGDN projekt, project leader: Robert Stehrer, The Vienna Institute for InternationalEconomicStudies 2014-
  6. 2015 – “Possibilities and Limitations of FiscalPolicyin Croatia”, Hrvatska udruga banaka, projectleader: Hrvoje Šimović, Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb 2011-
  7. 2012 – „Growth Diagnostics for Croatia“, Hrvatska udruga poslodavaca, projectleader: Ivo Bićanić, Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb