Dr. Maja Martinović received her doctorate at the Faculty of Economics in Zagreb and completed International Faculty Development. Program at IESE Business School in Spain. At ZŠEM, he teaches courses in the field of the strategy of marketing, serves as head of the Department of Marketing and Tourism, and is vice dean of the graduate MBA study. She taught at the MBA study of the Barcelona Management Institute and the MBA study at Sarajevo Graduate School of Business in collaboration with Texas A&M University-Commerce University and Burch University (IBU).
Today, she collaborates with the Luxembourg School of Business and is the co-head of the Doctor of Business studies. Administration (DBA) from Sheffield Hallam University. She led training for managers and employees of about a hundred companies and institutions from the country and abroad and s cooperated with Croatian business people in the form of internal education on creating business plans, studies performance and market research projects, and brand creation. She worked on editing and translations and was the editor of several books in the field of marketing. She published the book “Marketing in Croatia” and “Marketing Management” co-authored with prof. Philip Kotler, the world’s leading author of textbooks from which generations of marketing professionals across the globe and international authority in the field of brand management, Prof. by Kevin L. Keller, have acquired marketing knowledge.
She also published eight book chapters, about 90 business cases in strategic marketing, and more than 70 scientific and professional works. She also deals with the quality of higher education, which has been extended for several years. She was a speaker at AACSB conferences and Harvard quality conferences University. Professor Martinović was a member of the Accreditation Council of the Agency for Science and Higher Education education in the Republic of Croatia, deputy president of the Supervisory Board, and president of the Audit Board of Croatia radio and television. He is currently on the Supervisory Board of the Končar Group and PBZ Intesa Sanpaolo Group (HR, BiH, SLO), where she is also the president of the Appointments Committee.
- Martinović, M.: Segmentacija tržišta kao odrednica uspješna upravljanja marketingom u nakladništvu, doktorska disertacija, Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, obranjeno 20.3.2007.
- Martinović, M.: Marketing usluga u srednjoškolskom obrazovanju, magistarski rad, Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, obranjeno 18.10.1999.
- Martinović, M., Vranešević, T.: Model segmentacije tržišta u nakladništvu (The Model of Market Segmentation in Publishing), str. 101-113., ed. Grbac, B., Meler M., Marketing u društvu znanja (Marketing in a Knowledge based Society), EF Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Cromar, Rijeka, 2008.
- Jurković Majić, O., Martinović, M., Bušljeta Banks, I.: Production of Croatian Halal Products as a Result of Monitoring Consumer Behavior, International Journal of Management Cases, Vol. 10, Issue 3/4, 5th International CIRCLE Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus, p. 35, 26th-29th March 2008.
- Babić, A., Martinović, M., Bušljeta Banks, I.: Customer Relationship Management as a Competitive Adventage of Educational Institutions, 27th International Conference on Organizational Science Development; Knowledge for Sustainable Development, Portorož, Slovenija, March 2008.
- Martinović, M., Kraljević, K. i Babić, A.: Selecting the Target Hospitality Market for the Launch of Authentic Croatian Food, New Trends in Tourism and Hospitality Management, Tourism & Hospitality Industry 2008, 19th Biennial International Congress, Opatija, Croatia, str. 67., May 07-09, 2008.
- Martinović, M.: Etika u marketingu s posebnim osvrtom na etiku u oglašavanju, str. 389-413.; ur. Krkač, K.: Uvod u poslovnu etiku i korporacijsku društvenu odgovornost, Mate, ZŠEM, Zagreb, 2007.
- Kraljičković, J., Vranešević, T., Šubar, G. i Martinović, M.: Stvaranje marke Samoborska salama i ostalih regionalnih maraka Zagrebačke županije, str. 223-246.; autor: Vranešević, T.: Upravljanje markama (Brand Management), Accent, Zagreb, 2007.
- Martinović, M., Klarić, A. i Vranešević, T.: Marka DONA i tvrtka Dona trgovina d.o.o., str. 279-290.; autor: Vranešević, T.: Upravljanje markama (Brand Management), Accent, Zagreb, 2007.
- Jurković Majić, O. i Martinović, M.: Research on Users’ Satisfaction with the Quality of Services in Secondary Education in Croatia, 4th CIRCLE Conference, Marketing Consumer Behaviour and Religious Tourism and Events, Calabrai, Italy, April 2007.
- Martinović, M., Vranešević, T. i Mandić, M.: Quality management of food products’ private labels in Croatia, International Journal of Management Cases, Vol. 9, 3/4, pp. 196-200., 2007.
- Martinović, M. i Vranešević, T.: Model segmentacije tržišta u nakladništvu, XXth CROMAR Congress, Marketing in the Knowledge Society and Contemporary Business Reality, Rijeka, 25-27. listopad 2007.
- Martinović, M., Jurković Majić, O. i Prlić, A.: Reciprocal Effect of Marketing (Distribution) Channels and Book Prices in Croatia, World Journal of Retail Business Management, 2007.
- Ćorić, S. i Martinović, M.: Segmentacija tržišta uz pomoć izvedenih osobina potrošača, Sveučilište u Mostaru – Mostariensia: časopis za humanističke znanosti, Mostar, 2007.
- Martinović M., Vignali C. i Vranešević, T.: Acquisition in the ice cream business – Agrokor Croatia and Baldauf Hungary, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business (IJESB), Vol. 3, No. 3/4, pp. 366-381., 2006.
- Martinović, M., Mušura, A.: Strategija razvoja tržišta s posebnim osvrtom na ulazak tvrtke Podravka na tržište Ukrajine, Zbornik znanstvenih radova na temu “Problemi tržišne transformacije gospodarstva”, Harkov, Ukrajina, lipanj 2005.
- Martinović, M., Vranešević, T.: Expanding Agrokor: Ledo’s acquisition of “Baldauf” in Hungary, International Journal of Management Cases, Special Edition: Mergers, Acquisitions and Strategic Alliances in a Transitional Environment, Volume 7, Issue 2, University of Gloucestershire, str. 61-73., 2004
- Martinović, M., Vranešević, T.: Promotion of Reading and Books as a Social Marketing Activity in Developed Countries and the Republic of Croatia, 2nd International Conference ‘An Enterprise Odyssey: Building Competitive Advantage’, Graduate School of Economics and Business, Zagreb, June 17-19, 2004.
- Ozretić Došen, Đ., Martinović, M.: Marketing of Services in Secondary Schools in the Republic of Croatia, Educational Studies, No. 4(29), UK, str. 373-386., prosinac 2003.
- Martinović, M., Pirić, V.: Društveni marketing s posebnim osvrtom na vjerske institucije i vjerske škole u Republici Hrvatskoj, Sveučilište u Mostaru – Mostariensia: časopis za humanističke znanosti, br. 17, Mostar, str. 123-139., 2003.
- Martinović, M.: Provokacija Ožujskim za mrvu publiciteta, pa i lošeg, business.hr, Zagreb, 24.05.2007., str. 6.
- Martinović, M.: Janičina Jamnica utažit će drukčiju sportsku žeđ, business.hr, Zagreb, 02.11.2006., str. 4.
- Martinović, M.: Marketing usluga, Komunikacije, br. 2, Zagreb, 2007, str. 10.
- Martinović, M.: Društveni marketing, Marketing u praksi, Zagreb, br. 19, 2005, str. 34-37.
- Martinović, M.: Segmentacija tržišta – Na usluzi sve zahtjevnijim turistima, CROATIABIZ, Zagreb, www.croatiabiz.com i www.dugirat.com , 26.09.2006.
- Martinović, M.: Izazovi razvoja novih proizvoda, CROATIABIZ, Zagreb, www.croatiabiz.com i www.tportal.hr/gospodarstvo/poslovnivodic/fset.html , 19.10.2005.
- Martinović, M.: Segmentacija – temelj marketinga turističkih tržišta – Na usluzi sve zahtjevnijim turistima, CROATIABIZ – časopis o suvremenom poslovanju, Zagreb, srpanj/kolovoz 2005, br. 37/38, str. 56.
- Martinović, M.: Marketinška strategija: Razvoj novih proizvoda – Veliki izazov i rizik, CROATIABIZ – časopis o suvremenom poslovanju, Zagreb, lipanj 2005, br. 36, str. 54-55.
- Martinović, M.: Direktna pošta – Pošta za smeće?, CROATIABIZ – časopis o suvremenom poslovanju, Zagreb, svibanj 2005, br. 35, str. 52.
- Martinović, M.: Ambalaža i njezina funkcija – Spremnik i mamac, CROATIABIZ – časopis o suvremenom poslovanju, Zagreb, travanj 2005, br. 34, str. 56-57.
- Martinović, M.: Konkurentske prednosti – Neljubaznost caruje, CROATIABIZ – časopis o suvremenom poslovanju, Zagreb, ožujak 2005, br. 33, str. 52.
- Martinović, M.: Unapređenje prodaje – Vjernost kupca se nagrađuje, CROATIABIZ – časopis o suvremenom poslovanju, Zagreb, veljača 2005, br. 32, str. 50-51.
- Martinović, M.: Kataloška prodaja – Sve popularnija kupnja ‘na neviđeno’, CROATIABIZ – časopis o suvremenom poslovanju, Zagreb, prosinac 2004/ siječanj 2005, br. 30/31, str. 40.
- Martinović, M.: Važnost pravodobnih analiza i informacija – Moderno predskazivanje budućnosti, CROATIABIZ – časopis o suvremenom poslovanju, Zagreb, studeni 2004, br. 29, str. 40-41.
- Martinović, M.: Marketing usluga u obrazovanju – Duboko suštinsko nerazumijevanje, CROATIABIZ – časopis o suvremenom poslovanju, Zagreb, rujan 2004, br. 27, str. 42-43.