Ivona Škreblin Kirbiš, Ph.D. has been employed at Zagreb School of Economics and Management (ZSEM) since 2005 where she has been conducting scientific and applied research and teaching in the field of applied psychology in management at Management, Entrepreneurship and Digital Transformation Department. She has been teaching Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, Social Psychology, Leadership, Management, Management of Change and Application of Measurement in Human Resource Management at undergraduate and graduate level. She is also a Program Director of MBA Management program and leads research projects and career development projects at Career center of ZSEM. She is also actively involved in education programs for companies in Croatia.
She has graduated in psychology at the University of Rijeka in Croatia and has earned her Ph.D. at the University of Trieste in Italy in 2005 in the field of social psychology under mentorship of American professor Robert A. Wicklund with the scholarship of Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. During her studies she has spent a year in USA at Oglethorpe University in Atlanta, Georgia. She has attended additional training through international faculty development program in Spain at IESE in Barcelona in 2006.
Upon completion of her Ph.D. program, Dr. Ivona Škreblin Kirbiš has worked as research assistant at the Institute for Anthropological research. She has extensive experience in market research through working for leading market research agencies. She has participated in research project on knowledge transfer in bilateral economic cooperation as a part of Ministry of trade, work and entrepreneurship project. In 2009 during one semester, she has been teaching Management at University of Central Missouri in USA. She has been a team member in the project of development of the model of external evaluation of primary and secondary schools in Croatia for National Center for External Evaluation of Education. Her scientific research on the topic of economically salient behaviors through exploration of cognitive evaluations, perceptions and attitudes behind these behaviors with the implication on education has been presented in Croatian and International journals and conferences. Other than in Croatia, she has been living and working in Italy and USA, and besides Croatian she speaks fluently English and Italian language.
- Škreblin Kirbiš, Ivona; Tomić, Iva; Vehovec, Maja.
Mirovinska pismenost i štednja za treću životnu dob. // Revija za socijalnu politiku. 18 (2011) , 2; 127–148 (članak, znanstveni).
- Škreblin Kirbiš, Ivona; Richards, Randy.
Teaching human resource management in Croatia using work-based action projects. // International Journal of Management Education. 9 (2010) , 1; 21–32 (članak, znanstveni).
- Richards, Randy; Škreblin Kirbiš, Ivona; Koričan, Mirna.
Načela etičnosti u upravljanju ljudskim potencijalima. // Obnovljeni život : časopis za religioznu kulturu. 64(2009) , 4; 513–529 (pregledni rad, znanstveni).
- Pavić, Nika; Šakić, Katarina; Škreblin Kirbiš, Ivona; Richards, Randy; Martinac; Miran.
Cost management of general and regional anaesthesia techniques in context of quality resource management at the department of orthopaedics. // Periodicum biologorum. 113 (2011) , 2; 129–136 (članak, stručni).
- Koričan, Mirna; Škreblin, Ivona.
HRM Function and Strategy – the Croatian Perspective // Zbornik 27. mednarodne konference o razvoju organizacijskih znanosti / Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Organizational Science Development / Vladislav Rajkovič, Eva Jereb, Tomaž Kern, Miroljub Kljajić, Bjoern Paape, Milan Pagon, Goran Vukovič (ur.).
- Kranj : Moderna organizacija, 2008. 1090-1095 (predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,objavljeni rad,stručni).
- Nestić, Danijel; Radić, Andreja; Škreblin Kirbiš, Ivona; Švaljek, Sandra; Tomić, Iva; Vehovec, Maja.
Starenje stanovništva i održavanje primjerenog životnog standarda u trećoj životnoj dobi, 2010. (znanstvena studija).
- Škreblin, I. & Koričan, M. (2007). Education and competitiveness: Human resources and company’s strategy. 6th Human Resource Management Arena, Zagreb, 9th and 10th October 2007.
- Vehovec, M. & Škreblin Kirbiš I. (2007). Career choice and social responsibility of employer. International scientific conference “Socijalno odgovorno gospodaranje” organized by University of Rijeka – Faculty of Law and Hanns Seidel Stiftung. Book chapter. Rijeka, 5th and 6th October 2007.
- Rakušić, S., Vehovec, M. & Škreblin, I. (2005). Knowledge sharing and technology transfer: evaluation of recipient’s satisfaction in bilateral economic cooperation. 6th International Conference: Enterprise in Transition. Crnjak-Karanović, E. (Ed.). Split: Faculty of Economics Split, 551-564.
- Koričan, M. & Škreblin I. (2008). HRM function and Strategy – the Croatian Perspective. 27th International Conference on Organizational Science Development. Rajkovič, V., Jereb, E., Kern, T., Kljajić, M., Paape, B., Pagon, M., Vukovič G. (Eds.). Portorož: University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, 1090-1095.
- Vehovec, M. & Škreblin Kirbiš I. (2007). Career choice and social responsibility of employer. International scientific conference “Socijalno odgovorno gospodaranje” organized by University of Rijeka – Faculty of Law and Hanns Seidel Stiftung. To be published as a book chapter. Rijeka, 5th and 6th October 2007.
- Šreblin, I., Koričan, M i Mušura, A. (2006). Job performance and job satisfaction in higher education. 14th yearly conference of Croatian psychologists: Human resources and life cycle. Jelčić, J., Lopižić, J., Lugović, G i Sušanj, Z. (eds.). Šibenik: Hrvatsko psihološko društvo i Društvo psihologa – Šibenik. 25th-28th October, pp. 71-72.
- Škreblin, I. (2005). Is there a construct within a person without the person’s competence? 17th Ramiro and Zoran Bujas Days. Kamenov, Ž., Jelić, M. & Jokić Begić, M. (Eds.). Zagreb: Department for Psychology, Faculty of Phylosophy, University in Zagreb; Croatian Psychological Society: “Školska knjiga d.d.”, December 15th-17th, p. 93.
- Škreblin, I. (2004). Incompetence leads to cognitive consistency and to inability of relating cognitive and affective elements to performance. The 6th Conference on Social & Community Psychology. Trondheim, Norway: Dragvoll, NTNU, Depratment of Psychology, November 4th-5th, pp. 39-40.
- Peternel, L., Šimičić, L. & Škreblin, I. (2004). Acculturation process and ethnic identity of immigrants in Croatia. Cross-cultural Aspects of Mental Health and Psychosocial Well-Being in Immigrant/Refugee Adolescents. Hvar, Croatia October 2004.
- Škreblin, I. & Sujoldžić, A. (2004). Exploring health and behavior outcomes among immigrants in Croatia. Cross-cultural Aspects of Mental Health and Psychosocial Well-Being in Immigrant/Refugee Adolescents. Hvar, Croatia, October 2004.
- Wicklund, R. A. & Škreblin, I. (2003). When incompetence leads to cognitive coherency. 16th Ramiro Bujas Days. Bratko, D, Kolesarić, V. i Maslić-Seršić D. (Eds.). Zagreb, Croatia: Department for Psychology, Faculty of Phylosophy, University in Zagreb; Croatian Psychological Society; “Naklada Slap”, December 11th -13th prosinac, p 78.
- Wicklund, R. A. & Škreblin, I. (2003). When is the construct of internalization alive? V Congresso Nazionale – Sezione di Psicologia Sociale. Bari, Italia: Associazione Italiana Psicologi, September 26th and 27th, pp. 428-429.
- Škreblin Kirbiš, I., Kamenov, Ž. & Vehovec, M.. The role of unselfish motives in hypothetical and actual career choices.
Contributions to Books
- Vehovec, Maja; Škreblin Kirbiš, Ivona.
Izbor karijere mladih i društvena odgovornost poslodavca // Socijalno odgovorno gospodarenje: ekonomski i etički aspekti / Bodiroga Vukobrat , Nada ; Barić , Sanja (ur.). Zagreb : TIM press Zagreb i Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, 2008. Str. 27-38.