Herman Lassleben, PhD

Born in Regensburg, Germany he got his Diploma in 1988 in sociology (Dipl.-Soz.) from the University of Bielefeld, thesis on “Self-Organization of Social Systems” (in German). Further he got his Doctoral Degree in 2001 in social sciences (Dr. rer. soc.) from the University of Konstanz, dissertation on „Managing Organizational Learning“ (in German). From 1988-1990 he was the Organization Design Specialist for Wacker-Chemical Corporation, Group Development, Munich, Germany. From 1990-1992 he was the Human Resource Manager for Intel Corporation, Human Resources Central Europe, Munich, Germany. From 1992-1994 he worked as a Research Assistant on the Research project “Policy-related learning of municipal administrations”, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), for the University of Konstanz. Leading to him being an Assistant Professor from 1994-2000 again at the University of Konstanz for the Department of Politics and Management where he was the Chair of Management.


  1. Butler, Daniel D. (2007), “Planning Your Own Funeral: A Useful Pedagogical Tool,” Marketing Education Review . V17, Spring, 95-100.;
  2. Butler, Daniel D. (2009) Take A Professional To Lunch: Marketing Theory In Action,” Society For Marketing Advances, New Orleans, LA, Proceedings, Proceedings, William Kehoe and Linda K. Whitten, Editors;
  3. Butler, Daniel D. 2009), “Using The RIPE Method To Enhance Teaching Effectiveness,” Society For Marketing Advances, Orleans, LA, Proceedings, Proceedings, William Kehoe and Linda K. Whitten, Editors;
  4. Colley, Mary Catherine, Daniel Butler, et. al (2007) “Marketing Issues at the Government/Business Interface: The Case of Exporting and Economic Development,” Proceedings: Society For Marketing Advances, San Antonio, TX., William J. Kehoe and Linda K. Whitten, eds.;
  5. Butler, Daniel D. (2006), Planning Your Own Funeral, Society For Marketing Advances, William Kehoe and Linda K. Whitten, editors;
  6. Butler, Daniel D. (2006), He Cared Enough To Hurt My Feelings, Society For Marketing Advances, William Kehoe and Linda K. Whitten, editors;
  7. Swamidass, Paul M. and Daniel D. Butler (2005), The Effect of Auburn University’s Business-Engineering-Technology Program on The Predisposition Towards Entrepreneurship In Business and Engineering Graduates, National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance Conference, San Diego, CA, March, Proceedings.;
  8. Butler, Daniel, Ellen Moore, Richard Easley, and Mary Mosley (2006), The Pros and Cons of Mini-Semesters on Business Schools, Society For Marketing Advances, Nashville, Tennessee.;
  9. Butler, Daniel (2010), The How and Why of Teaching Pedagogy , Invited Presentation, Ph.D. Program Collequim, Dept. of Management, Auburn, University.;
  10. Butler, Daniel (2009), The Art & Science of Teaching, Invited Presentation, Designated Ph.D. Consortium Faculty, Society For Marketing Advances, New Orleans, LA;
  11. Butler, Daniel (2006), The Importance of Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in the Banking Industry, Alabama Bankers Convention, Panama City, Florida;
  12. Butler, Daniel (2005) , How to Win Customers Through the Servuction System, Community Bankers Association, Destin, Florida;
  13. Butler, Daniel (2005), The Value of The Service Production System to Leadership Issues,” Blue Ridge Conference on Leadership, Black Mountain, NC, October.