Boris Podobnik, PhD, is a professor of economics at the Zagreb School of Economics and Management, a research fellow at the Centre for Polymer Studies at Boston University, and a professor of mathematics at the University of Rijeka. He is also the Vice Dean for research at ZSEM. He holds a PhD in physics from the University of Zagreb and was a post-doc at Boston University in 1999. He teaches Econometrics at University of Zagreb, Advanced Econometrics at ZSEM, and Operational Research at the University of Rijeka. He collaborated or still collaborates with Boston University, Harvard University, National University of Singapore, University of Halle, Tokyo University of Information Sciences, University at Lecce, and East China University of Science and technology.
Podobnik, PhD, has more than 90 scientific publications in different fields of science, ranging from nuclear physics, high energy physics, physiology, statistical physics, econometrics, and finance. His publication list includes Nature Physics, Physical review Letters, Scientific Reports, Quantitative Finance, and five papers in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The papers were cited more than 5.176 times. His H-factor is currently 25. He was the main researcher for the Croatian project Long-term correlations in complex systems (2007-2012) and a bilateral Croatian-Slovenian project on heartbeat data (2008). He gave invited talks in Warsaw (2004), Turin (2006), Lisbon (2007), Tokyo (2009), Shanghai (2011), Ljubljana (2012) and Zurich (2012) to mention a few.
- B. Podobnik, D. Horvatic, D. Y. Kennet, and H.Eugene Stanley: The competitiveness versus the wealth of a country, Nature Scientific Reports 2, doi:10.1038/srep00678
- Boris Podobnik, Igor Gvozdanovic, Davor Horvatic, Timotej Jagric: Asymmetric Equity Market Volatility in Central and Eatern European Countries. Eastern European Economics, to appear (2012)
Zeyu Zheng, Kazuko Yamasaki, Joel Tenenbaum, Boris Podobnik, Yoshiyasu Tamura, and H.Eugene Stanley: Scaling of seismic memory with earthquake size, Physical Review E 86, 011107 (2012)
- Boris Podobnik, Davor Horvatic, Djuro Njavro, Mato Njavro, H. Eugene Stanley Scaling of Growth Rate Volatility for Six Macroeconomic Variables, Contemporary Economics 6, 20-25 (2012).
Ling Feng, Baowen Li, Boris Podobnik, Tobias Preis, and H. Eugene Stanley: Linking Agent-Based Models and Stochastic Models of Financial Markets, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 109 (22) 8388-8393 (2012) (2012)
- Boris Podobnik, Duan Wang, and H. Eugene Stanley: High-frequency trading model for a complex trading hierarchy, Quantitative Finance 12 559-566 (2012)
- Igor Gvozdanovic, Boris Podobnik, Duan Wang, and H. Eugene Stanley: 1/f behavior in cross-correlations between absolute returns in a US market, Physica A 391 2860-2866 (2012)
- Boris Podobnik, Zhi-Qiang Jiang, Wei-Xing Zhou, and H.Eugene Stanley: Statistical tests for power-law cross-correlated processes, Physical Review E 84, 066118 (2011)
- Boris Podobnik, Aljosa Valentincic, Davor Horvatic, H. Eugene Stanley: Asymmetric Levy Flight in Financial Ratios, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 108 (44) 17883-17888 (2011)
- Jia Shao, Plamen Ch Ivanov, Branko Urosevic, H.Eugene Stanley, Boris Podobnik: Zipf rank approach and cross-country convergence of incomes, Europhysics Letters 94, 48001 (2011)
- Duan Wang, Boris Podobnik, Davor Horvatic, H.Eugene Stanley: Quantifying and modeling long-range cross correlations in multiple time series with applications to world stock indices, Physical Review E 83, 046121 (2011)
- Davor Horvatic, H. Eugene Stanley, Boris Podobnik: Detrended cross-Correlation analysis for non-stationary time series with periodic trends, Europhysics Letters 94, 18007 (2011)
- Ahec Sonje, Amina; Podobnik, Boris; Vizek, Maruška, “Long-run relationship between exports and imports in transition European countries”, Ekonomski pregled (0424-7558) 61 (2010), 1/2; 3-18
- B. Podobnik, D. Horvatic, A.M. Petersen, M. Njavro and H.E. Stanley, Common scaling behavior in finance and macroeconomics, EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B Volume: 76 Issue: 4 Pages: 487–490
- Petersen, A. M.; Podobnik, B; Horvatic D.; Stanley H.E, Scale invariant properties of public debt growth, Europhysics Letters (0295-5075) 90 (2010), 3; 38006-38011
- Podobnik, B; Horvatic, D; Petersen, A M; Urosevic, B; Stanley, H E, PNAS, Volume: 107 Issue: 43 Pages: 18325-18330 (2010)
- Podobnik, Boris; Wang, Duan; Horvatic, Davor; Grosse, Ivo; Stanley H. Eugene, Time-lag cross-correlations in collective phenomena, Europhysics Letters (0295-5075) 90 (2010), 6; 68001-68006
- Tenenbaum, Joel; Horvatic, Davor; Cosovic Bajic, Slavica; Pehlivanovic, Beco; Podobnik, Boris; Stanley, H E, Comparison Between Response Dynamics in Transition and Developed Economies, Physical Review E – Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics (1539-3755) 82 (2010), 4;046104-1-046104-6
- Boris Podobnik, Davor Horvatic, Alexander Petersen, and H.Eugene Stanley: Quantitative relations between risk, return and firm size, Europhysics Letters, 85, 50003 (2009)
- Boris Podobnik, Ivo Grosse, Davor Horvatic, Suzana Ilic, Plamen C Ivanov, H Eugene Stanley “Quantifying cross-correlations using local and global detrending approaches” , The European Physical Journal B. 71 243-250 (2009)
- Boris Podobnik, Davor Horvatic, Joel N Tenenbaum, H Eugene Stanley, “Asymmetry in power-law magnitude correlations” , Physical Review E — Rapid Communications. 80 015101 (2009)
- Boris Podobnik, Davor Horvatic, Alexander Petersen, H. Eugene Stanley, Cross-Correlations between Volume Change and Price Change, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 106:22079-22084 (2009)
- V. Jagric, T. Jagric, B. Podobnik:”Implications and Consequences of Basel II for Banking Sector of a Small Open Transition Economy – a Case of Slovenia”,Banks and Bank Systems”, vol 1, 26-32 (2008)
- B. Podobnik, D. Horvatic, F. Pammolli, F. Wang, H.E. Stanley, I. Grosse:”Size-dependent standard deviation for growth rates: Empirical results and theoretical modeling”,Physical Review E 77 (5), 056102 (2008)
- B. Podobnik, T. Jagric, V. Jagric:”Implications and Consequences of Basel II for Slovenian Banking sector”,Journal of Economics/Ekonomicky casopis 03, 296-310 (2008)
- B. Podobnik and H. E. Stanley:”Detrended Cross-Correlation Analysis: A New Method for Analyzing Two Non-stationary Time Series”,Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 No 8, 084102 (2008)
- B. Podobnik, J. Shao, D. Njavro, P. Ch. Ivanov, and H. E. Stanley “Influence of corruption on economic growth rate and foreign investments” European Physical Journal B 63, 547 (2008)
- B. Podobnik, D. Horvatic, A. Lam, H. E. Stanley, and P. Ch. Ivanov “Modeling long-range cross-correlations in two-component ARFIMA and FIARCH processes”,Physica A 387, 3954 (2008).
- B. Podobnik, Vanco Balen, Timotej Jagric, and Marko Kolanovic: Croatian and Slovenian Mutual funds and Bosnian investments funds” Czech Journal of Economics and Finance, 57 No 3-4, 159-177 (2007)
- J. Shao, P. Ch. Ivanov, B. Podobnik, and H.E. Stanley: “Quantitative relations between corruption and economics factors” European Physical Journal B Complex Systems – Interdisciplinary Physics 56 No2, 157-166 (2007)
- B. Podobnik, Dongfeng Fu, H.E. Stanley, and P. Ch. Ivanov: “Power-law Autocorrelated Stochastic Processes with Long-range Cross-correlations”,European Physical Journal B Complex Systems – Interdisciplinary Physics 56, 47-52 (2007)
- V. Krstic, Z. Maglica, B. Podobnik, and N. Pavin:”Min-protein oscillations in E. Coli: three- dimensional off-lattice stochastic reaction -diffusion model”,Journal of Statistical Physics 128(1-2), 5-20 (2007)
- T. Jagric, B. Podobnik, M. Kolanovic, and Vita Jagric:”Modeling some Properties of Stock Markets in Transition Economics”, Journal of Economics 8, 816-829 (August 2006)