Bojan Obrenović, PhD


Bojan Obrenovic, PhD, is a lead scientist with a rich background in organizational behavior,
enterprise management, entrepreneurship and artificial intellgence. He is committed to forming
high-performing international teams that deliver impactful research. His expertise in management
science, research abilities, and extensive leadership experience play a crucial role in the design
and execution of research projects.
Bojan received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Zagreb and earned his
PhD at Wuhan University of Technology in the field of management science. He then served as a
postdoctoral researcher at Jiangsu University.
Bojan has published over 30 papers in SCIE and SSCI journals with impact factors. His research
has been cited more than 2000 times since 2020. He is the editor-in-chief of the International
Journal of Business Administration and Management and serves on the editorial board and as a
reviewer for prestigious journals published by Elsevier, Springer, Emerald, Research Leap,
MDPI, Frontiers, among others.
His current research interests include the application of AI in the workplace, entrepreneurship,
enterprise sustainability during crises, knowledge management, and organizational psychology.
Bojan possesses extensive international business experience, having lived and worked in Croatia,
China, Sweden, and Uzbekistan. He is the founder and owner of Inovatus Usluge Ltd in Zagreb,
Croatia, established in 2013, Amethyste Trading Co., Ltd., founded in Ningbo, China, in 2019,
and Amethyste Ltd. in Croatia. The core business activities of his companies span general and
sworn translation, AI and research consulting services, publishing, and wine distribution.
Research publications
Obrenovic, B., Godinic, D. & Njavro, M. Sustaining company performance during the war-
induced crisis using sourcing capability and substitute input. Environ Dev Sustain (2023).
Gu, X., Obrenovic, B., & Fu, W. (2023). Empirical Study on Social Media Exposure and Fear as
Drivers of Anxiety and Depression during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Sustainability, 15(6), 5312.
Gu, X., Firdousi, S. F., Obrenovic, B., Afzal, A., Amir, B., & Wu, T. (2023). The influence of
green finance availability to retailers on purchase intention: a consumer perspective with the
moderating role of consciousness. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.

Guberina, T., Wang, A. M., & Obrenovic, B. (2023). An empirical study of entrepreneurial
leadership and fear of COVID-19 impact on psychological wellbeing: A mediating effect of job
insecurity. Plos One, 18(5), e0284766.
An, H., Gu, X., Obrenovic, B., & Godinic, D. (2023). The Role of Job Insecurity, Social Media
Exposure, and Job Stress in Predicting Anxiety Among White-Collar Employees. Psychology
Research and Behavior Management, 2023, 3303-3318.
Yu, Y., Hu, W., Dong, C., Gu, X., & Obrenovic, B. (2023). E-commerce development and green
technology innovation: impact mechanism and the spatial spillover effect. Sustainability, 15(17),
Milezi, J., Asa, A. R., Nautwima, J. P., & Obrenovic, B. (2023). Assessing the Impact of
Management Practices on Organisational Growth at a Multinational Company in Namibia.
International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 3(2), 22-34.
Sun, C.-W., Obrenovic, B., & Li, H.-T. (2022). Influence of virtual CSR co-creation on the
purchase intention of green products under the heterogeneity of experience value. Sustainability,
14(20), 13617.
Tsoy, D., Godinic, D., Tong, Q., Obrenovic, B., Khudaykulov, A., & Kurpayanidi, K. (2022).
Impact of Social Media, Extended Parallel Process Model (EPPM) on the Intention to Stay at
Home during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Sustainability, 14(12), 7192.
Tirasawasdichai, T., Obrenovic, B., & Alsharif, H. Z. H. (2022). The impact of TV series
consumption on cultural knowledge: An empirical study based on gratification–cultivation
theory. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1061850.
Han, Q., Jin, L., Khan, M. A. S., Vitenu-Sackey, P. A., & Obrenovic, B. (2023). Poverty
alleviation in developing and underdeveloped countries. Do foreign capital and economic
freedom matter? Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 29(1), 45–73.
Su, R., Obrenovic, B., Du, J., Godinic, D., & Khudaykulov, A. (2022). COVID-19 Pandemic
Implications for Corporate Sustainability and Society: A Literature Review. Int. J. Environ. Res.
Public Health, 19, 1592. – SSCI
Ostic, D., & Obrenovic, B. (2022). JD Strategic Cross-Border Expansion–Offering Retail as
Strategy Solutions Abroad. In Casebook of Chinese Business Management (pp. 139-148).
Springer, Singapore.  10.1007/978-981-16-8074-8_15

Khudaykulov, Akmal, et al. “The fear of COVID-19 and job insecurity impact on depression and
anxiety: An empirical study in China in the COVID-19 pandemic aftermath.” Current Psychology
(2022): 1-14.
Obrenovic, B., Du, J., Godinic, D., Baslom, M. M. M., & Tsoy, D. (2021). The threat of COVID-
19 and job insecurity impact on depression and anxiety: an empirical study in the USA. Frontiers
in psychology, 3162.
Obrenovic, B., Du, J., Godinić, D., & Tsoy, D. (2021). Personality trait of conscientiousness
impact on tacit knowledge sharing: the mediating effect of eagerness and subjective norm.
Journal of Knowledge Management.
Obrenovic, B., Du, J., Godinic, D., Tsoy, D., Khan, M. A. S., & Jakhongirov, I. (2020).
Sustaining enterprise operations and productivity during the COVID-19 pandemic:“Enterprise
Effectiveness and Sustainability Model”. Sustainability, 12(15), 5981.
Obrenovic, B., Jianguo, D., Khudaykulov, A., & Khan, M. A. S. (2020). Work-Family Conflict
Impact on Psychological Safety and Psychological Well-Being: A Job Performance Model.
Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 475. SCI
Obrenovic, B., Jianguo, D., Tsoy, D., Obrenovic, S., Khan, M. A. S., & Anwar, F. (2020). The
enjoyment of knowledge sharing: Impact of altruism on tacit knowledge-sharing behavior.
Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1496. SCI
Saif, N., Ruan, J., & Obrenovic, B. (2021). Sustaining Trade during COVID-19 Pandemic:
Establishing a Conceptual Model Including COVID-19 Impact. Sustainability, 13(10), 5418.-
Alsharif, Hussain Zaid H., et al. “Impact of Entrepreneurial Leadership and Bricolage on Job
Security and Sustainable Economic Performance: An Empirical Study of Croatian Companies
during COVID-19 Pandemic.” Sustainability 13.21 (2021): 11958.
Faulks, B., Song, Y., Waiganjo, M., Obrenovic, B., & Godinic, D. (2021). Impact of Empowering
Leadership, Innovative Work, and Organizational Learning Readiness on Sustainable Economic
Performance: An Empirical Study of Companies in Russia during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Sustainability, 13(22), 12465. – SSCI
Waiganjo, M., Godinic, D., & Obrenovic, B. (2021). Strategic Planning and Sustainable
Innovation During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Literature Review. International Journal of
Innovation and Economic Development, 7(5), 52-59.

Godinic, D., Obrenovic, B., & Khudaykulov, A. (2020). Effects of economic uncertainty
onmental health in the COVID-19 pandemic context: social identity disturbance, job uncertainty
and psychological well-being model. Int. J. Innov. Econ. Dev, 6, 61-
Mohammed,A. N. N.A. M., Hu, W.,Obrenovic,B.,& Aina, A. A. M.(2017, January). An
empirical assessment of the link between Decision support system (DSS) capabilities,
competencies and firm performance: A mediating role of absorptive capacity. In Proceedings of
the 2017 International Conference on Management Engineering, Software Engineering and
Service Sciences (pp. 193-198). ACM.
Alharbi Adel Saleh M, Wang Aimin, Bojan Obrenovic, Begzod Nishanov (2016). Linking
Marketing Capabilities to Marketing Strategy: Implications for Firm Performance. International
Conference on Innovation and Management (ICIM), Wuhan, China
Obrenovic,B.,Obrenovic,S.,& Hudaykulov,A.(2015).The value of knowledge sharing: impact of
tacit and explicit knowledge sharing on team performance of scientists. International Journal of
Management Science and Business Administration,1(2),33-
Obrenovic,B.,&Qin,Y.(2014). Understanding the concept of individual level knowledge sharing:
A review of critical success factors. In Information and Knowledge Management (Vol. 4, No. 4,
pp.110-119).   ISSN 2224-5758 (Paper) ISSN 2224-896X (Online) Vol.4, No.4, 2014
Obrenovic, B., & Jalilov, S. (2014). Building a better national innovation system through
effective Knowledge sharing: A case of Croatia. International Journal of Management Science
and Business Administration, 1(1), 41-51.
Obrenovic, B., & Obrenovic, S. (2012). Game Analysis of Google’s Information Dissemination
Strategy in China:a New Perspective for Knowledge Engineering.Systems Engineering Procedia,
3, 333-339
Maxamadumarovich, U. A., Obrenovic, B., & Amonboyev, M. (2012). Understanding the
innovation concept. Journal on Innovation and Sustainability RISUS, 3(3), 19-26.