Amina Ahec Šonje, PhD


Amina Ahec Šonje graduated in economics in 1989 and earned her PhD in economics from the University of Zagreb in 2002. During 1990-1991 she was a financial analyst in the Department for Economic Analysis and Planning in Končar Electrical Industries Inc. She started as a teaching assistant in Mathematics and Operation Research at the Faculty of Economics (University of Zagreb). From 1992 till the end of 2003, Mrs Ahec Šonje worked as a researcher at the Institute of Economics, Zagreb, and in 2002 she became the Head of Department for Business Cycle Research. She has developed the CROLEI forecasting index and dealt with econometric modelling, application of growth theories in transition countries, and theories of currency and banking crises. She has also developed an early warning system for currency and banking crises in Croatia as part of the project for the Croatian National Bank. During her research career, Mrs Ahec Šonje served as an advisor to the Croatian Employers Association (2001-2004) and as a consultant for the World Bank Representative Office in Croatia (1998). Since 2004, she has been teaching a group of economic courses as a full-time professor at ZSEM – Zagreb School for Economics and Management. Mrs Ahec Šonje was an Associate Dean for the Undergraduate Program at ZSEM (2011-2014), and the Head of Department of Economics at ZSEM (2004-2017). In October 2018 Mrs Ahec Šonje joined Arhivanalitika Ltd for consuting and publishing to assist in project management and developing the publications part of the business. She still teaches economics at ZSEM as a part time professor. On a regular basis, Mrs Ahec Šonjeis engaged as a member of expert panel by the IFO Institute.


  • 2020 Editor and Publisher – book:"Public finance with Croatian examples" (authors Hrvoje Šimović and Milan Deskar-Škrbić), 2020, Ekonomski lab, Arhivanalitika Ltd.
    2020 Editor and Publisher – book: "Coronaeconomics" (authors Velimir Šonje and Kristijan Kotarski), 2020, Ekonomski lab, Arhivanalitika Ltd.
  • 2019 Publisher and Editor – book "Euro in Croatia – cons and pro" (author Velimir Šonje, 2019,
    Ekonomski lab, Arhivanalitika Ltd.
  • 2019 Publisher, book "Prešućeni trijumf liberalizma" (authors Velimir Šonje and Darko
    Polšek), 2019, Ekonomski lab, Arhivanalitika Ltd.
  • Ahec Šonje, Amina; Deskar-Škrbić, Milan; Šonje, Velimir, 2018, „Efficiency of Public Expenditure on Education: Comparing Croatia with other NMS“, INTED2018 Proceedings: IATED Academy, pp. 2317-2326; doi:10.21125/inted.2018.0439
  • Ahec Šonje, Amina, 2018, Lecture and comment on the paper „The structure of investment and economic growth“ (authors Anita Ceh Casni and Ljubo Jurcic) //International Conference "Kako poreznim sustavom i poreznom politikom podržati uvođenje EUR-a", Zagreb, Hrvatska.
  • Ahec Šonje, Amina, 2018, A search for that special place under the sun in modern Europe: migration in the twenty first century // Third Annual Conference of the Western Balkans Migration Network, Zagreb, Hrvatska,// Member of the Programme committee
  • 2018, Publisher – book "Macroeconomics for economist and non-economist – with Croatian examples" (authors: Ivo Bicanic and Milan Deskar Skrbic), 2018, Ekonomski lab, Arhivanalitika Ltd. (editor: Velimir Sonje)
  • Ahec Šonje, Amina, Diagnosis of Croatian Educational System Disease (III): Higher Education, April 2018, Projects: Popularization of Economics, Efficiency of Public Expenditure on Education, Ekonomski lab, Arhivanalitika
  • Ahec Šonje, Amina, Diagnosis of Croatian Educational System Disease: Part Two, March 2018, Projects: Popularization of Economics, Efficiency of Public Expenditure on Education, Ekonomski lab, Arhivanalitika.
  • Ahec Šonje, Amina, Diagnosis of Croatian Educational System Disease: Part One, March 2018, Projects: Popularization of Economics, Efficiency of Public Expenditure on Education, Ekonomski lab, Arhivanalitika
  • Ahec Šonje, Amina, Bulls' Horns Broken: Currency crises in Croatia (Kad bikovi polome rogove: valutne krize u Hrvatskoj), May 2017, Projects: Popularization of Economics, Ekonomski lab, Arhivanalitika
  • Ahec Šonje, Amina, Price Discrimination – Cons and Pro (Diskriminacija koja može proći), March 2017, Project: Popularization of Economics, Ekonomski lab, Arhivanalitika
  • "Ahec Šonje, Amina; Čeh Časni, Anita; Vizek, Maruška, 2014, „The effect of housing and stock market wealth on consumption in emerging and developed countries“, Economic Systems, Vol. 38: 433–450.
  • Ahec Šonje, Amina et all, 2014, Principles of Economics 4, pages 115, MATE d.o.o.: Zagreb, Textbook for 4th class of high school
  • Ahec Šonje, Amina et all, 2014, Principles of Economics 3, pages 107, MATE d.o.o.: Zagreb, Textbook for 3rd class of high school
  • Ahec Šonje, A. (editor), Bokan, N., Botica, M. Mustapić, Z. and Đ. Njavro, 2014, Principles of Economics 1, pages 136, MATE d.o.o.: Zagreb, textbook for 1st class of high school
  • Ahec Šonje, A. (editor), Bokan, N., Botica, M. Mustapić, Z. and Đ. Njavro, 2014, Principles of Economics 2, pages 120, MATE d.o.o.: Zagreb; textbook for 2nd class of high school
  • "Expert for IFO Institute – World Economic Survey, 2012 -onward , drawing on expertise and view on the economic prospects of Croatia.