Kontroling Kognosko consulting company and Lider business weekly endorsed this year again by ICV – Internationaler Controller Verein (International Association of Controllers) are organizing the ICCC – International Controlling Conference in Croatia – the biggest controlling event in Croatia and the region. The Conference, organized online via the You Tube platform and in English, will gather international experts and enable the participants from all around the world to join in.
The theme of the conference is inspired by the rapid development of data analytics, which undoubtedly influences the direction that traditional controlling is taking towards new areas. The most important task to transform millions of pieces of data into a few precious words of wisdom!
Data analytics is making great progress right in front of our eyes and traditional controlling now needs to embrace it as a new partner. These two disciplines cannot succeed without each other, without mutual understanding and harmony. And we can only reap the benefits if both controlling and data analytics engage in a perfect dance.
This year we have gathered leading experts from Switzerland, Germany, Australia, Austria, France, the Czech Republic, Poland and Croatia to tackle these two amazing topics – controlling and data analytics.
During the two-day event, 14 different topics will be covered, and we expect participants from literally all over the world!
This two-day conference has been designed to meet the expectations of all levels of controllers, planners, data scientists, data analytics, company owners, top managers, sales, marketing, purchasing, production managers, IT experts who work on business solutions that provide support to controlling (BI, DW, planning), financial and accounting managers and all others who feel a new era is knocking at the door.
More information on the Conference, speakers and topics on lider.events/kontroling/.
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