The development of a dual career is something that ZŠEM encourages and facilitates for its students allowing them a lot of flexibility in fulfilling their obligations. Many students already have permanent job, and a large number of them are also professional athletes.
Professional sports with numerous trainings, preparations, and competitions are often difficult to reconcile with the desire for further education. To enable professional athletes to continue
education, we organized the undergraduate studies according to their obligations.
The systematic use of e-learning in the educational process at ZŠEM provides active athletes with excellent prerequisites for quality education so that student-athletes can easily
make up for numerous absences from classes. Student-athletes make up for missed lectures through individual consultations with professors on campus or online and through demonstrations.
The circle of active athletes is quite broad, so about 10% of ZŠEM students have at least one training session daily.
ZŠEM students regularly defend the colors of Croatia at world and European championships. An application should be submitted to the Teaching Committee at the beginning of the new school year for a student active athlete to realize the right to study according to the Rules on studying active athletes.
Different sports
Categorized athletes
National champions and medal holders of national and world championships