U ciklusu predavanja ZSEM Business Insights slijedi predavanje Julie Felker na temu “Creating an Organizational Learning Culture”. Julie Felker profesor je na Sveučilištu Michigan – Dearborn, College of Business.
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Više o predavanju:
In order to achieve peak performance through learning, organizations must espouse learning and knowledge sharing as core values. Learning and development cannot simply be a “one off”, but must be embedded deeply into an organization’s culture. We will explore what is meant by a learning culture, why it is so important to strengthening organizational performance, and how to achieve and sustain a strong learning culture.
Dr. Felker works in International Accounting Group-Pacific Canada Divison of Unisys, Corporation. She is a member of the Academy of International Business, Academy of Management, European International Business Academy, European Academy of Management, OBTS-Teaching Society for Management Educators, and the Society of Human Resource Management she is also guest lecturer and visiting scholar at the University of Padova, Stockholm School of Economics in Riga, and Zagreb School of Economics and Management.
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