8 srpnja 2021

Business Trends in Tourism, Hospitality and Events

Pozivamo Vas na MBA Open Days Zagrebačke škole ekonomije i managementa na kojima će profesor dr. sc. Hrvoje Maljak održati predavanje na temu 

“Business Trends in Tourism, Hospitality and Events”

  • how to conduct marketing research and develop digital communication strategies with focused business tactics and objectives in both tourism, hospitality and events field
  • the benefits of digital marketing, develop content strategies for a variety of digital marketing channels, understand social media channels, digital PR (public relations) and Email marketing
  • understanding web design, user-centred design and the relationship with digital marketing as well as the importance of SEO

Nakon stručnog predavanja uslijedit će predstavljanje diplomskog MBA programa pod vodstvom prodekanice za diplomske studije, izv. prof. dr. sc. Maje Martinović.

MBA Open Days održavaju se u četvrtak 8. srpnja s početkom u 15 sati putem ZOOM-a. 

Svoje sudjelovanje možete potvrditi ovdje.

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