The students study and develop mathematical and statistical models applied in decision-making in production, services, marketing, finance, and general business processes. The course emphasizes the creation, development, and application of deterministic and stochastic systems in forecasting, production planning, inventory management, maintenance, facility location, assembly line development, critical path method, and simulations.
The course is divided into several basic units of crucial importance to financial management such as basic theoretical concepts of modern finance, valuation and return on investment in securities, portfolio risk securities, valuation of debt and equity options, the theory of capital structure, and analysis of value creation within the company (NPV, IRR, PBP, WACC, EPS), etc. In modern financial theory, this course is dealing with the modern analysis of corporate securities in the primary and secondary capital markets and financial strategies. A separate financial focus will be on investing in stocks, investing in bonds, and real estate. Using input values such as the spread, rating, solvency, capital cost, yield, maturity, business and financial risk objective of this course is to show how the practice works in capital markets to facilitate student understanding and successfully managing modern corporate finance.
This course provides essential skills for its graduates to lead the innovative organizations of tomorrow. This course is aimed at developing a unique methodology of innovation and creativity called design thinking. The approach helps individuals identify understanding for customers; this is a human centered approach, empathy, prototyping and testing of products, processes or services. The course is organized around Drive, Passion, Achievement. What motivates a person to start thinking about their customers? What is the use of this methodology and how this methodology can help individuals but also companies? How do you define an entrepreneur? During the program students will explore the methodology, experience and learn how to use it in everyday life but also in their jobs.
The objective of this course is to teach students how to apply a certain marketing strategy, starting with problems faced by a marketing manager. These problems are mainly the following: (1) analyzing marketing opportunities, competition, and environment; (2) market segmentation, selecting target markets and developing the marketing mix; (3) marketing strategies to maintain a competitive advantage in different market circumstances and product life-cycle stages (introduction, growth, maturity, decline).
The course is based on the following concepts and management strategies: developing a capacity for strategic thinking, estimating alternatives, forecasts and management of strategic change; connecting different managerial disciplines; reactions to acquisitions, outsourcing, decreasing the number of employees, joint ventures, strategic mergers; development, coordination and managing financial, physical and human resources; strategy models, competitive advantage, strategic options.
In the Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Course, students will learn how to recognize moral dilemmas in business, fast formulation of solutions to these dilemmas, all in a transparent manner. Students will also engage in critical analysis of business cases and will learn to make transparent, ethical business decisions. The following concepts are covered in his course: ethical systems, ethical systems, ethical decision making in doing business- all in relation to customers, market, environment, procurement and international business. Furthermore, the place and role of a corporation will be analyzed in terms of its position with respect to culture, religion, tradition, government policy and legislation, etc.
The course Business Communications is meant to be used for reflection upon your communication style, as well as for engaging in experiential exercises designed to further develop students’ communication skills. It includes key concepts of communication theory and practices including: communication biases, communicating through behavior, delivering praise, persuasive communication, and compelling presentations to hone your communication style and increase your impact.
The course, Management of Change is meant to be an introduction to the challenges of adapting to the rapidly changing conditions that all companies face as our work becomes more automated, our skills sets become obsolete, and as new realities of the decision-making process—such as big data, AI, cloud—increases the need to cope with exponential complexity. The course focuses on the micro aspect of change, as well as psychological resistance to change.
This course will prepare students/managers for critical and analytical thinking while making business decisions based on currently available information from different types of financial reports. This way, students/managers should be able to use the knowledge they acquire in everyday situations in the companies where they work. This course includes topics such as interpretation and analysis of basic financial reports, cost calculation and the business budgeting process, and interpretation of new concepts used to measure company value for stockholders.
Various types of leadership are crucial to the survival of any given organization. With practical examples and role-playing, this course places an emphasis on motivation, understanding, interpersonal relationships, and models of communication, change management, listening skills, teamwork, conflict solution, negotiating, time management, goal setting, and organizational values.
The aim of the internship is to enable students to apply academic knowledge and skills in a real business environment and to develop the accompanying independence, responsibility, and creativity necessary to perform business and work tasks in situations of practical business activities. Students are encouraged to connect their internship with the preparation of the graduate thesis in a way that through internship they apply the knowledge and skills acquired during their studies, but also in collecting and analyzing primary and secondary data and proposing recommendations based on that data.
The final step in graduate studies is writing a master’s thesis in the field chosen by the candidate and mentored by a professor teaching in this area. Before embarking on the research project, the candidate has to submit a proposal for his/her topic, including the methodology used in the research. The mentor assists the candidate in the course of his/her research project and the completion of his/her thesis.