Dr.sc. Matea Hanžek, MBA

Hanzek Web ZSEM

Matea Hanžek posjeduje doktorat znanosti (Ph.D.) s University of Brighton, sa istraživanjem usmjerenim na temu “Post-conflict destination branding and national identity construction: a discourse analysis of Croatia’s official tourism promotional materials.” Prije doktorata, Matea je stekla magisterij znanosti (MSc) s pohvalama (with Distinction) na Edinburgh Napier University 2015.godine, na smjeru Heritage and Cultural Tourism Management, gdje je nagrađena Medaljom sveučilišta (University Medal) za najboljeg studenta svoje generacije i Trofejom Lee Allardyce (Lee Allardyce Trophy) za najbolju disertaciju. Matea je također stekla titulu magistrice poslovne administracije (MBA) sa specijalizacijom u Marketingu 2013.godine, na temu “Destination branding – a case study of the city of Hvar,” a na preddiolomskom studiju završila je smjer ekonomije i managementa gdje istraživanje usmjerava na temu “Kako privući investicije u hrvatski turizam?”.


Trenutno, osim svoje uloge predavačice turizma i marketinga na ZŠEM-u, Matea djeluje kao Individualni stručnjak za Europsku komisiju u ekspertnoj skupini “Together for EU Tourism” (T4T). U toj ulozi, pridonosi implementaciji strategije razvoja turizma Europske unije koja vodi prema zelenoj i digitalnoj tranziciji te unapređenju i otpornosti turističkog ekosustava.


Prije toga, Matea je stekla profesionalno iskustvo u renomiranim institucijama poput konzultantske tvrtke Horwath HTL u Londonu i hotela Corinthia u Londonu. Nastavlja aktivno sudjelovati u raznim turističkim projektima.


Matea je obogatila svoje akademsko iskustvo dodatnim obrazovanjem na uglednim institucijama poput London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), the BI Norwegian School of Management, the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC), and the University of Oxford.



Rakić, T., Hanžek, M. (2021). Promoting Rural Tourism Destinations: an analysis of the official tourism webpage for Croatia. Presented at the RRT 2021 Conference, 24th and 25th November 2021.

Dugandžić I., Hanžek, M. (2021). Co-creating baroque experiences: The case of Poreč historical festival Giostra. International Historic Cities Congress. Book of Proceedings.

Hanžek, M., Biočina, Z., & Pirić, V. (2021). Disruptive times and higher education in economics and management: importance of dual assessment. EMAN 2021. Economics & Management: How to Cope with Disrupted Times, 215

Hanžek, M., Sušić, G. (2020). Gastronomy Tourism and Destination Branding: The Study of Michelin-starred restaurants in Croatia // 5th International Thematic Monograph – Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era / Bevanda, Vuk ; Štetić, Snežana (ur.). Beograd: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, str. 211

Hanžek, M., Sušić, G. (2019) Croatian Wine Tourism from the Winery Perspective: The Case of the Grand CRO // 4th International Thematic Monograph – Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era / Bevanda, Vuk ; Štetić, Snežana (ur.). Beograd: Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, str. 669-684

Hanžek, M. (2019, November). Student study abroad destination branding in the VUCA world: the case of a Private Higher Education Institution in Croatia. International Tourism Conference  “Tourism in the VUCA world: Towards the era of (ir)responsibility”. Dubrovnik.

Hanžek, M., Biočina, Z., Martinović, M. and Pirić, V. (2019, September). Dual Assessment in Higher Education: A Critical Analysis of Students Objectiveness, 7th Higher Education Institutions Conference (HEIC), Opatija.

Hanžek, M., Mihaljević, L. (2019, May). Exploring Factors Influencing Student Study Abroad Destination Choice: A Case of Croatia. Communication Management Forum: Finding a Common Denominator – Communication, Tourism, National Culture and Brand, Zagreb: Edeward Bernays.

Hanžek, M. (2019, May). Post-conflict destination branding and national identity construction: a discourse analysis of Croatia’s official tourism promotion materials. Poster session presented at the Postgraduate Research Festival, University of Brighton.UK

Hanžek, M. (2019, March). The Role of the Creative Class in Tourism. Lecture at the Torism and Creativity Conference session. Zagreb School of Economics and Management

Hanžek, M. (2019, February). Semiotic Exploration of Croatia’s Capital. Science Festival. Zagreb School of Economics and Management.

Hanžek, M. (2019). Principles of Tourism Destination Branding: Theory and Research. A Handbook for Tourism and Marketing Students, Zagreb: MATE, d.o.o.

Hanžek, M. (2016). Four Pillars Of Sustainability – Slovenia As A Sustainable Tourism Destination. In: Hanžek et al., Turizam – Studije slučaja Hrvatske i regije, Zagreb: MATE d.o.o., pp.97-109.

Hanžek, M. (2016). Integrated Marketing Communications – Dubrovnik As The Most Famous Croatian Brand. In: Hanžek et al., Turizam – Studije slučaja Hrvatske i regije, Zagreb: MATE d.o.o., pp.167-182.

Hanžek, M. (2009). Sociological Competence in Contemporary Business: Cross –disciplinary approach to economic education. In: Time to Rethink Economics. Zagreb: University of Zagreb.