Doktorirala je 2006. godine na Ekonomskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu obranivši doktorsku disertaciju pod nazivom „Utjecaj korporacijskih komunikacija na stvaranje imidža poduzeća“. Godine 2000 završila je BMW Group marketinšku akademiju u Muenchenu, a 2019. sudjelovala na Sheffield Hallam University Doctroral School Supervisory development Workshopu.
Suvoditeljica je MBA programa marketing te profesorica na katedri za marketing i turizam. Izvodi nastavu iz kolegija Marketing Management, Consumer Behavior, Marketing, Quantitative Methods for Managers and Marketing Metrics.
Od travnja 2022., zaposlena je kao voditeljica Ureda Uprave Nove hrvatske banke d.d. U razdoblju od 1999. do 2013. radila je u Tomić & Co. d.o.o., generalnom uvozniku za BMW i MINI za Republiku Hrvatsku, kao voditeljica marketinga i odnosa s javnošću, direktorica prodaje, članica Uprave za prodaju i marketing te zamjenica predsjednika Uprave. Od 2013., bila je zaposlena u Sberbank d.d., kao viši stručni suradnik u Uredu Uprave Banke te osobni asistent Predsjednika Uprave Banke.
Objavila je brojne znanstvene i stručne radove iz područja marketinga, između ostalih u časopisima: Central European Business Review, Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness, Balkans Journal of Emerging Trends in Social Sciences – Balkan JETSS, Herald NAMSCA, UTMS Journal of Economics, International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Business and Industrial Engineering, Journal of Advancements in Economics, Finance & Accounting, The Journal of Practical Marketing, Obnovljeni život, Tržište i Mostariensia. Radila je na prijevodima brojnih knjiga te sudjelovala u radu znanstvenih i stručnih konferencija poput EuroMed Academy of Business, HEIC 2018, HEIC 2020, EMAN 2020, EMAN 2021 i dr. Recenzent je niza objavljenih knjiga, udžbenika te znanstvenih časopisa i radova za konferencije te mentor brojnih diplomskih i završnih radova.
- Pirić, V. Martinović, M. Koričan Lajtman, M. “Use of Instagram among different populations in Croatia and it’s impact on perceived buying intentions on luxury brands”, in 5th International Scientific Conference EMAN 2021 – Economics and Management: How to Cope with Disrupted Times, Book of Abrtracts, Online/Virtual, March 18th, 2021, p. 57
- Hanžek, M, Biočina, Z., Martinović, M., Pirić, V., “Disruptive Times and Higher Education in Economics and Management: Importance of Dual Assesment”, in 5th International Scientific Conference EMAN 2021 – Economics & Management: How to Cope with Disrupted Times, Book of Abstracts, Online/Virtual, March 18th, 2021, p. 23
- Hanžek, M., Biočina, Z., Martinović, M., Pirić, V., “Disruptive Times and Higher Education in Economics and Management: Importance of Dual Assesment”, in 5th International Scientific Conference EMAN 2021 – Economics & Management: How to Cope with Disrupted Times, Conference Proceedings, Online/Virtual, March 18th, 2021, pp. 215-222
- Pirić, V., Martinović, M., Koričan Lajtman, M. „Socio-Demographic Variables Forming a Perception of Corporate Image Brand in the Croatian Banking Industry“, Balkans Journal of Emerging Trends in Social Scienes – Balkans JETSS – Vol. 3, No. 2, 2020, pp. 96-111
- Martinović, M., Pirić, V., Krkač, K. „The Implications of Facebook in Political Marketing Campaigns in Croatia“, Central European Business Review, Vol.9, Issue 4, 2000, pp. 73-95
- Pirić, V., Martinović, M., Koričan Lajtman, M. „Socio-Demographic Variables Forming a Perception of Corporate Image Brand in the Croatian Banking Industry“, 4th International Scientific Conference EMAN 2020, Economics and Management: How to Cope With Disrupted Times, Book of Abstracts, Online-Virtual, September 3, 2000
- Pirić, V., Kurtović, A., Martinović, M. „Relationship Between In-Store Marketing and Consumer Behaviour in Telecommunications Industry and FMCG Retailing“, 13th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business, Business Theory and Practice Across Industries and Markets, September 09-10, 2020 Virtual
- Pirić, V., Le Fur, Z., „The Emergence of Sustainable Consumption in an Overconsumption Society“, 8th Higher Institutions Conference: „Reinventing Higher Education“ HEIC 2020, Book of Abstracts, November 26-27, 2020
- Martinović, M., Domović, J., Pirić, V. “Perception of Health Products and Trends in Online Shopping and Promotion of Health Products in Croatia”, Herald NAMSCA 4, pp. 422-428, 2018
- Pirić, V., Martinović, M., Barac, Z., „A study on customer’s perception of Croatia’s banking industry“, UTMS Journal of Economics, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 169-180, 2018
- Pirić, V., Masmontet, P., Martinović, M. “The Relationship between Employer Branding and Social Networks: Analysis from the Perspective of Young Graduates”, Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 30-48, 2018
- Gerardi, B., Pirić, V., „Digital Marketing and Transformation of Marketing Mix in Croatia and Worldwide“, Mate d.o.o., Zagreb, 2018
- Martinović, M., Pirić, V. “Expectations of Millenials in regards with applied teaching methods and learning through technology during Marketing classes”, 6th Higher Education Institutions Conference – Proceedings, Aleksić, Maslać, K., (ur.), Mate d.o.o., Zagreb, str. 78-82, 2018
- Pirić, V., Vitlov, E., Martinović, M., „Copayment on Drug Prescription and its Influence on Patient Behaviour – a Croatian Example“, Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness, Vol. 11 (4) pp. 118-130, 2017
- Pirić, V., Martinović, M., Barac, Z., „Analysing the Participation of Young People in Politics: An Exploratory Study Applied on Motivation in Croatia“, 19. WASET World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Conference Proceedings, March 11-12, Dubai, UAE, 2017
- Pirić, V., Martinović, M., Barac, Z., „Analysing the Participation of Young People in Politics: An Exploratory Study Applied on Motivation in Croatia“, International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 11, NO. 3, pp. 521-527, 2017
- Pirić, V., Krkač, K.,, Martinović, M., „Political Marketing Communications and Possible Contribution on Facebook, Social Networks and the Usage of New Technologies in the Republic of Croatia“, Journal of Advancements in Economics, Finance & Accounting, Volume VI, November 1, 2016, Washington, USA
- Pirić, V., Krkač, K.,, Martinović, M., „Political Marketing Communications and Possible Contribution on Facebook, Social Networks and the Usage of New Technologies in the Republic of Croatia“, Peer Reviewed Paper Presentation, 2016 Academic OASIS, International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference, 2016 IAABR International Conference on Business, Economics, Finance & Accounting, Orlando, Florida, March 9-12, 2016
- Pirić, V., „Ponašanje potrošača u turizmu – osnovne značajke turista kao potrošača“, u udženiku Turizam: Studije slučaja Hrvatske i regije, Mate d.o.o., Zagreb, 2016., str. 33-44.
- Pirić, V., „Povijesni razvoj turizma na primjeru grada Opatije“, u udžbeniku Turizam: Studije slučaja Hrvatske i regije, Mate d.o.o., Zagreb. str. 3-8.
- Pirić, V., Ćelić, I., „Motivacija glasača – moralno utemeljenje odluke i odgovornost za njezine posljedice“ – „Voter Motivation – Morally Based Decisions and Responsibility for Consequences“, Obnovljeni život, Časopis za filozofiju i religijske znanosti, Vol. 71, br. 3, Zagreb, 2016., str. 363 – 374.
- Pirić, V., Milas, Z., Corporate communication as an extended management function“, Book of Proceedings, First International Scientific and professional Conference „Fedor Rocco“ – Croatian prospects in the European Union, Zagreb, 2014., Croatia, str. 359.-367
- Martinović, M., Jurković-Majić,O.,Pirić, V., Arambašić, S., Miličević, K., srednjoškolski udžbenik „Marketing 3“, Mate, Zagreb, 2014.
- Pirić, V., Martinović, M., Njavro, Đ., „Client satisfaction with services rendered as a contemporary marketing tendency and the source of client loyalty – case of the brand BMW Croatia, Magazine Practical Marketing, 2013., No. 11 (201), str. 27-35
- Pirić, V., „Gerila marketing na primjeru poduzeća Tomić & Co.“, poglavlje u knjizi Martinović, M., „Marketing u Hrvatskoj – 55 poslovnih slučajeva“, Mate, Zagreb, 2011.
- Pirić, V., koautor, Previšić J. (ed.), „Leksikon marketinga“, Ekonomski fakultet Zagreb,, 2011.
- Martinović, M., Pirić, V., Mušura, A. “Etička pitanja vezana uz proizvod kao dio marketinškog spleta“, Obnovljeni život, 04/2011, Zagreb
- Pirić, V., Martinović, M., Njavro, Đ. „Utjecaj promjene korporacijskog vizualnog identiteta na imidž poduzeća i prodajne rezultate u uvjetima recesije“, Grebenikov Business Career, Advertising Theory and Practice“, August 2011, No. 4 (46), str. 204.-220.
- Pirić, V. : „Utjecaj korporacijskih komunikacija na imidž i konkurentnost poduzeća“, Tržište, Vol. XX, (2008), br. 2, str. 149.-162.
- Valentina Pirić: „Korporacijske komunikacije: uloga, značaj i utjecaj na imidž poduzeća“, Zbornik sažetaka s XIX. Kongresa CROMAR-a, „Marketinške Paradigme za 21. stoljeće“, Zagreb, 21-22. Listopada, 2005., str. 62.-63.
- Krpan Kobešćak, K., Pirić, V.: „Utjecaj grafičkog dizajna i marketinške komunikacije na prodajne rezultate; The Influence of Graphic Design and Marketing Communication on Sales Results“, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Printing, Design and Graphic Communications Blaž Baromić, Faculty of Graphic Arts – University of Zagreb, Lovran, Croatia, 15-16 September, 2005., str. 59.-64
- Pirić,V., Pirić, Z.: „Influencing the Online Consumers Behaviour: The Case of Premium Brand Car Manufacturer in Croatia“, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Enterprise in Transition, Book of Extended Abstracts, CD ROM with full papers, University of Split, Faculty of Economics, Split-Bol, May, 25-28, 2005., str. 124-127
- Pirić, V. :“The Influence of Corporate Communications on Corporate Image: The Picture of the Croatian Car Market“, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference: An Enterprise Odyssey: Building Competitive Advantage, June 17-19, 2004., str. 261-262
- Jurum Kipke, J., Pirić, V., Manucci, M. : „The influence of BMW Group Energy Strategy Communication on Corporate Image“, Promet-Traffic-Traffico, Scientific Technical Journal forTraffic Theory and Practice, Vol. 16, No.4, 2004., str. 231-237
- Martinović,M., Pirić, V. „Društveni marketing s posebnim osvrtom na vjerske institucije i vjerske škole u Republici Hrvatskoj“, Mostariensia. Časopis za humanističke znanosti, Sveučilište u Mostaru, Bosna i Hercegovina, Mostar, 2003., str. 123-140