Rođen je u njemačkom gradu Regensburgu. Diplomirao je u 1988. na području sociologije (dipl.soc.) na Sveučilištu u Bielfeldu. Doktorski je studij završio na Sveučilištu u Konstanzu 2001., na području društvenih znanosti (dr.soc.). Od 1988. do 1990. radio je kao „Organization Design Specialist“ za Wacker-Chemical Corporation, Group Development, u Munichu, u Njemačkoj. Od 1990. do 1992. radio je kao Upravitelj ljudskih potencijala za Intel Corporation, Ljudski potencijali za centralnu Europu, u Munichu, u Njemačkoj. Od 1992. do 1994. radio je kao Asistent u istraživanju na projektu “Policy-related learning of municipal administrations”, financiranom od strane Njemačke znanstvene zaklade (DFG), za Sveučilište u Konstanzu. U skladu s prethodnim iskustvom dolazi do zaposlenja na radnom mjestu docenta, također na Sveučilištu u Konstanzu, od 1994. do 2000., na Katedri politike i managementa, gdje je također bio voditelj Odjela za management.
- Butler, Daniel D. (2007), “Planning Your Own Funeral: A Useful Pedagogical Tool,” Marketing Education Review. V17, Spring, 95-100.;
- Butler, Daniel D. (2009) Take A Professional To Lunch: Marketing Theory In Action,” Society For Marketing Advances, New Orleans, LA, Proceedings, Proceedings, William Kehoe and Linda K. Whitten, Editors;
- Butler, Daniel D. 2009), “Using The RIPE Method To Enhance Teaching Effectiveness,” Society For Marketing Advances, Orleans, LA, Proceedings, Proceedings, William Kehoe and Linda K. Whitten, Editors;
- Colley, Mary Catherine, Daniel Butler, et. al (2007) “Marketing Issues at the Government/Business Interface: The Case of Exporting and Economic Development,” Proceedings: Society For Marketing Advances, San Antonio, TX., William J. Kehoe and Linda K. Whitten, eds.;
- Butler, Daniel D. (2006), Planning Your Own Funeral, Society For Marketing Advances, William Kehoe and Linda K. Whitten, editors;
- Butler, Daniel D. (2006), He Cared Enough To Hurt My Feelings, Society For Marketing Advances, William Kehoe and Linda K. Whitten, editors;
- Swamidass, Paul M. and Daniel D. Butler (2005), The Effect of Auburn University’s Business-Engineering-Technology Program on The Predisposition Towards Entrepreneurship In Business and Engineering Graduates, National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance Conference, San Diego, CA, March, Proceedings.;
- Butler, Daniel, Ellen Moore, Richard Easley, and Mary Mosley (2006), The Pros and Cons of Mini-Semesters on Business Schools, Society For Marketing Advances, Nashville, Tennessee.;
- Butler, Daniel (2010), The How and Why of Teaching Pedagogy , Invited Presentation, Ph.D. Program Collequim, Dept. of Management, Auburn, University.;
- Butler, Daniel (2009), The Art & Science of Teaching, Invited Presentation, Designated Ph.D. Consortium Faculty, Society For Marketing Advances, New Orleans, LA;
- Butler, Daniel (2006), The Importance of Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in the Banking Industry, Alabama Bankers Convention, Panama City, Florida;
- Butler, Daniel (2005) , How to Win Customers Through the Servuction System, Community Bankers Association, Destin, Florida;
- Butler, Daniel (2005), The Value of The Service Production System to Leadership Issues,” Blue Ridge Conference on Leadership, Black Mountain, NC, October.